Solace PubSub+ Topic Patterns

Solace PubSub+ Topic Patterns

Wildcard Usage in Topic Subscriptions

Wildcard * :

  • At a certain level: When * appears within a topic subscription (e.g., sap/s4/*/purchaseorders), it matches any value only at that level.

  • At the end of a topic: * at the end (e.g., sap/s4/sales/*) matches topics within that level but not deeper levels (e.g., sap/s4/sales/orders/processed is not matched).

  • Prefix matching: When followed by a prefix (e.g., sap/finance/abc*/budget), it matches topics with a prefix and any number of characters in between (e.g., sap/finance/abc/budget and sap/finance/abcdef/budget).

  • Multiple * usage: * can appear at different levels in the topic pattern(e.g., sap/s4/*/purchaseorders/*), matching topics at those specific levels (e.g., sap/s4/domestic/purchaseorders/PO123 and sap/s4/international/purchaseorders/PO456).

  • Literal *: If * is used in any other location within a level (e.g., sap/*finance andsap/fi*ce), it is treated as a literal * and not as a wildcard.

Wildcard > :

  • At the last level: When > appears at the last level (e.g., sap/s4/sales/>), it matches one or more levels following the prefix (e.g., sap/s4/sales/orders and sap/s4/sales/invoices/US).

  • Not at the last level: When > appears any other place (e.g., sap/s4> or sap/>/sales), it is treated as a literal character.

Combined use of * and >:

The * and > wildcards can be used together (e.g., sap/*/purchaseorders/>), allowing for flexible topic matching.


  • Topic pattern will never match special topics starting with #P2P

  • Standalone wildcard * on a first level (e.g., */sap) will not match special topics starting with $

More about Solace PubSub+ Topic Patterns can be found at Wildcard Characters in Topic Subscriptions

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