Performance testing
For select platforms (SAP PO and SAP IS/CPI) it is possible to analyse performance of message processing.
To activate this feature, in Global Parameters, the parameter PERF_STATS (Collect Performance Data) needs to be set to 'X'.
No additional setup is necessary and the performance analysis will be performed automatically with each execution.
To analyse the performance Int4 APITester is using available and standard processing logs in each platform - hence no additional performance overhead is generated with this type of analysis.
Performance analysis is now available for the following test types:
1 - PI GUID E2E Inbound
2 - PI IDOC E2E Inbound
5 - PI E2E Outbound
12 - SAP CPI E2E Inbound
13 - SAP CPI E2E Outbound
20 - PI Unit Test
To access the Perfomance Analysis report, after execution of a test, use the Performance Analysis link.
This will open a new tab in your browser and redirect you to a Performance Analysis report.
The calculated statistics focus on the total processing time of each message in the middleware platform (SAP PO or SAP IS).
The report show performance statistics on two levels:
Processing Time per Automation Object
Message Processing Time
Processing Time per Automation Object
This section presents processing time statistics per each Automation Object used in the execution and will always show the Minimum, Average and Maximum time of processing messages.
It is possible to switch between Chart and Table display using the Line Chart/Table toggle option in the top right corner of the screen.
Message Processing Time
This section presents processing time for each individual message sent as part of test execution (without separation per Automation Object). Message statistics are shown according to the sequence in which they were sent, and can present how processing times changed during execution.
It is possible to switch between Chart and Table display using the Line Chart/Table toggle option in the top right corner of the screen.
To retrieve raw processing times collected by Int4 Shield and used to generated above statistics, use the Export Data option in the top right section of the screen. This will generate and download a spreadsheet which can be used for further analysis.
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