Int4 Suite Internal Organization

Int4 Suite Internal Organization

Internal Organization

This documents outlines the internal organization of Int4 Suite and the foundational components that enable it's features.

Environments and System Lines

Int4 Suite components require basic information about the system landscape. This information links the logical structure of the customer landscape with the existing systems under test through configured RFC connections.

  1. System Lines - represent the business system family (e.g., ERP, CAR, CRM, etc.) based on functional distinctions. For example, in a typical small-scale ECC to S/4HANA migration project, the "ECC" and "S/4HANA" would constitue two separate System Lines in Int4 Suite configurations. Note that System Lines do not encompass integration platforms.

  2. Environments - represent the various environments in the system landscape, typically "Development", "Test" and "Production". Note that only one integration platform instance per technology can be assigned to an Environment. For example, in case of an upgrade project, (e.g. PO 7.4 to PO 7.5), it is generally required to have twice as many environments, such as: "Development74", "Test74" "Production74", "Development75", "Test75" and "Production75". This might not apply if the integration platforms are based on different technologies.

Example of System Lines and Environments for a typical S/4 Migration project with SAP PO and SAP IS (CPI)

Automation Objects

Int4 Suite is built around the concept of Automation Objects - entities that contain configuration for each test execution step. Automation Objects define the interface under test, test conditions, and necessary data manipulation employing a Variable concept. Automation Objects can also point to other objects (UI scripts, database validation definitions, and more - as documented).

Read more about them in the dedicated section of this manual: Automation Objects

Test Cases

A test case is a basic unit that represents the data for a single test execution. Test case is executed within the context of the assigned Automation Object in a specific Environment. System Line information is read from the Automation Object and may trigger additional validation steps, specifically the Database Validation.

Test creators can link test cases into scenarios, enabling the testing of complex, multiple-step flows, such as the Order-To-Cash process.

For more details on test cases and scenarios, please refer to sections: Test Cases and Testing scenarios and flows


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