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Process Builder

Int4 Suite Process Builder allows the user to automatically link existing test cases with parent-child relations and create executable test case processes.

How to access the Process Builder

Process builder can be started via transaction code /INT4/IFTT_PROC_BLD.


How to configure the Process Builder

  1. Open /INT4/IFTT_BP view in SM30 and create new process

  2. Run /INT4/IFTT_PROC_BLD transaction

  3. Click ‘Open Process Configuration’ button

  4. Add steps for the created process


Configuration table

Column Name


Column Name


Business Process

Id of Business Process

Step Id

Id of process step. First step should have blank parent Step Id.

Parent Step Id

Id of the parent step

Relation Type

Defines how test cases on each steps are linked.

Available options:

  • AOVAR - test cases are linked based on Automation Object Variables.
    All values from parent test case have to be present in child.
    Variable in child Automation Object requires action 40 - Find (XPATH, XPATH_C1 or XPATH_C2),

  • AOVARC - test cases are linked based on Automation Object Variables.
    All values from child test case have to be present in parent.

  • FIXEDTC - Fixed Test Case relation. Test case with Id provided in parameter column is assigned as child

Automation Object

Automation Object used to find test cases for AOVAR and AOVARC relations


Used to configure additional relation options:

  • AOVAR and AOVARC relations - variable names used for matching values (comma separated)

  • FIXEDTC - number of test case



How to run the Process Builder

  1. Select Business Process

  2. Select root folder with test cases to be analyzed

Additional Parameters:

Automatically create processes - select to automatically create linkage. With this option test cases are linked automatically. If unselected user can review the results first and create selected processes manually.

Move Test Cases to folder - select target folder to move created processes. If unselected processes are create in the same source folder.


Results screen

On the results screen analyzed test cases are presented in a hierarchical view. For each process you can display related test case Ids and variable values used to form the relation.

It is possible to link the selected test cases using toolbar button ‘Create Process’


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