How to test CPI iFlow with timer based trigger
It is recommend to remove Start Timer to separate iFlow and connect with main iFlow with process direct. This is the most effective way of testing timer based iFlows.
In case of the Timer Based trigger iFlows, there is no input that can be send to the middleware platform. Instead timer is starting the flow and collecting the data. To test such iFlow Int4 Suite is using SAP CPI E2E Outbound test type and it’s capability to change iFlow externalized parameters during test case execution.
Steps to folow:
Externalize Timer Start configuration:
Use externalized parameter name in the configuration of the automation object. Syntax is as follows: name of the externalized parameter (in this example “Timer”) and “=fireNow=true” as constant.
Create variable type Find Message:
Test case execution sequence:
Int4 Suite is changing externalized parameter value to fireNow=true.
Int4 Suite is redeploying the flow what will trigger the processing immediately.
Int4 Suite is searching for the outbound message based on the variable defined.
Int4 Suite is restoring the original Timer Start setup.
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