Int4 Suite Release Notes

Int4 Suite Release Notes

Release Notes

Version 3.10.0 (SP10)

Release Date: 17.01.2025

New Feature

IFTT-2560 API Testing - API Management Integration, ad-hoc API Testing
IFTT-2428 Integration Suite B2B (TPM) - new test types
IFTT-2545 Integration Suite B2B (TPM) - Test Case Robot
IFTT-1961 New Payload Validation Ignore List Rule - Change Request
IFTT-2414 Message Listener for Advanced Event Mesh


IFTT-2181 Test Cases migration handling of SAP PO Attachments
IFTT-2423 Test Case Analysis - General improvements
IFTT-2473 Machine Learning (Test Case Groups) - General improvements
IFTT-2475 Cloud Integration AO Screen - graph visualization
IFTT-2486 PI E2E Outbound - search variables in header AND payload
IFTT-2494 Advanced Event Mesh/PubSub+ - Support for topic patterns
IFTT-2496 SAP TPM Folders improvements
IFTT-2552 Virtual folders improvements
IFTT-2519 Error summary report - Add DB comparison lines
IFTT-2521 Flexible patterns at DB comparison level
IFTT-2522 Cockpit - search folder by name
IFTT-2542 Test Case Analysis | Include Response type (R) payloads
IFTT-2570 CPI with multiple outputs - show outputs comparison if output is missing
IFTT-2586 Add Test Cases Loader Tile to the Int4 APITester Group
IFTT-2598 Cockpit - folder loading optimization
IFTT-1596 Service Virtualization - display of logs in Fiori
IFTT-2490 Inbound IDoc - backend payload validation option
IFTT-2511 Proxy Inbound & Proxy Outbound - pass the new MSGID to the variable
IFTT-2547 Massively Export Test Run Payloads

Bug fix

IFTT-2509 Fix Error during DB ML procedure execution - PAL error [73001021]
IFTT-2512 SAP PI Dual Stack - Hybrid Scenario test case saving & execution fixes
IFTT-2513 Fiori - delete authorization checked but 06 not added in auth object /INT4/IFTT
IFTT-2514 EIC scenarios - IntegrationRuntimeArtifacts API endpoint is called for Edge
IFTT-2516 Reference DB stored on Unit Test type Test Cases
IFTT-2537 XLM Comparator - handling mixed content documents (text nodes not visible)
IFTT-2544 Expression test tool - Json expression validation not working
IFTT-2546 Dump in ML job when TC payload length in is < 5 characters
IFTT-2553 Test run with many TC on mixed environments - SAP PO successor messages are not found
IFTT-2571 SAP CI - test case validation based on the attachments - wrong landscape used
IFTT-2573 Test Run Details - Failed to stop test run in some cases
IFTT-2575 SAP CI - attachment fetching fail with HTTP 401 when called via OAuth
IFTT-2592 Test type 18 (RFC Call) is not supporting FMS which have table type in the TABLES section
IFTT-2597 Error when calling RFCs with TABLES parameter type longer than 26 characters

Version 3.9.0 (SP9)

Release Date: 11.10.2024

New Feature
IFTT-2437 SAP TPM Integration - folder list creation based on Partner Directory API
IFTT-2462 Explicit File Type setting in Automation Object
IFTT-2463 TC Loader - fetch data from application server
IFTT-1532 Generic Synch HTTP responder for Int4 Messenger
IFTT-1822 DB Comparison based on persistance
IFTT-2290 Virtual folders with XPath filters
IFTT-2354 Support for SubOrganization in MuleSoft
IFTT-2362 Robot for MuleSoft
IFTT-2382 Support for Edge Integration Cell (EIC)
IFTT-2350 SAP PO - Report for manual reverting of change lists
IFTT-2383 SAP PO - Cleanup report for dynamically created objects
IFTT-2449 API for extracting delta on element level of the comparison
IFTT-2433 Test Case Report Errors Analysis - differences from the DB comparison

IFTT-2401 Retry mechanism in Boomi robot
IFTT-1965 Multiple line separator support (FLAT_LS)
IFTT-2091 Test Cases Creation - read the Interface Type from Automation Object if not provided
IFTT-2333 Int4 APITester Cockpit - additional column - number of payloads
IFTT-2339 Test case deletion performance in FIORI cockpit
IFTT-2365 Flat File injection - Handle long Activation time of SAP PO Objects
IFTT-2403 Test Run details loading performance
IFTT-2410 FIORI Int4 Cockpit - button to remove sorting
IFTT-2415 Allow Int4 messenger to use test case type 54 as mapping
IFTT-2424 Support for more then 1000 RunSteps when reading SAP IS logs
IFTT-2480 Audit report - new metrics
IFTT-2481 Int4 Suite Test Runs App - remove/hide empty runs by default
IFTT-2447 Fiori apps - activity based authorizations
IFTT-2416 IDoc test types - migration handling
IFTT-2417 Support for Trace with runtimeLocationID for CI and EIC

Bug fix
IFTT-2425 Test Case Report Dump on large selection
IFTT-2442 Process Builder - is not checking all the matches
IFTT-2472 Int4 IDoc Robot - "Last Hour" Selection Period issue

Version 3.8.0 (SP8)

Release Date: 08.07.2024

New Feature
IFTT-2064 Fiori - Copy Variable in the Automation Object function
IFTT-2205 Manage Test Cases App - Additional Filter Options
IFTT-2243 Enhanced XPath handling
IFTT-2296 Enhanced error analysis during SAP IS TC Execution
IFTT-2312 Handling of the sy-langu in remote session while repeating output from NAST
IFTT-2313 Allow Variables in all params that are free text input
IFTT-2317 Test Cases: Content search with logical AND
IFTT-2318 Report to write all Int4 Suite data to transport

IFTT-1861 Allow saving empty payload for Proxy Inbound (9) and Proxy Outbound (11)
IFTT-2065 Add Line Separator for special ansi characters
IFTT-2116 SAP CPI SFTP Adapter - add additional parameter for the LocationID
IFTT-2118 Fiori - Receiver channel stopping configuration for type 20, 1, 2 and 5
IFTT-2188 Payload Matching rules - Add proper message to the log in case it doesn't match anything
IFTT-2255 Improve performance when comparing large XML files
IFTT-2257 Enhance Process Builder with XPATH_C1 and XPATH_C2 options
IFTT-2261 Database Validations Rulesets - Comparison Details Fields Sequence - correct Tooltips
IFTT-2262 Process Builder - allow matching of batch inputs to split outputs
IFTT-2295 Additional validation for number range values in FIORI
IFTT-2297 Process Builder - add support for READ_PREVX processor
IFTT-2299 Cockpit - migrate dialog - filter test type by typing Id
IFTT-2303 Improvement for child Automation Object validation during test case creation
IFTT-2305 Show IDoc number when IDoc is created with Error when injected
IFTT-2314 Test Run Details view improvements
IFTT-2315 Change default dispatcher Id from IFTT_Dispatcher to Int4_Dispatcher
IFTT-2329 Present test case versions in descending order
IFTT-2356 t-code for /INT4/IFTT_TGRP view
IFTT-2292 CPI - Search by correlation Id in outbound TC - fix for changed AppID and multioutput

Bug fix
IFTT-2003 Boomi Outbound - Incorrect error message when message not found
IFTT-2199 Mass Test Case Description Change fixes
IFTT-2218 Dump on Duplicated Mapping Object Entries
IFTT-2220 Int4 Robot - improve duplicate check handling in case of connectivity issues
IFTT-2224 Int4 cockpit Dump on new Proxy Outbound test case creation when message not found
IFTT-2242 Syntax Error in Int4 Suite 3.7 on some BASIS releases
IFTT-2247 Lost "LF" on the flat file line split
IFTT-2248 PI Outbound as child AO - PIIGRECVAL is required and if not set wrong message can be matched
IFTT-2251 Payload not copied during migration
IFTT-2256 Boomi robot inconsistent filtering
IFTT-2260 Error in class /INT4/IFTT_CL_DPC_EXT after import of 3.7.1
IFTT-2264 JSONPath not working in variable replacement when root is array
IFTT-2266 Scenario locked issue when saving multiple test cases after upgrade to 3.7.1
IFTT-2298 Fiori - TC Cockpit loads up to 5000 folders
IFTT-2302 overlapping regex statements for matching flat files are causing issue during comparison
IFTT-2304 Outbound Proxy - Missing Authorization Dump
IFTT-2307 Text search is not working on Boomi TCs
IFTT-2320 Find using parent application ID is not working as expected
IFTT-2328 Search using parent correlation ID - Type 13
IFTT-2332 Automation Object Config - Synchronous Interface Identification on Import from PI
IFTT-2335 /INT4/IFTT_F_GET_IDOC_AS_XML has dependency on message class /INT4/IFTT
IFTT-2341 File comparator - handling different code pages
IFTT-2343 Data Scrambling Expression Field is too short comparing to other expression fields
IFTT-2344 Fiori Cockpit - different sorting order than in GUI
IFTT-2345 IDoc Robot - Default Environment issue
IFTT-2347 XML Comparator - wrong order of additional nodes in new file
IFTT-2358 XML expression handler creates invalid xslt template for replacement of nodes with quotes in text
IFTT-2364 Mass-Folder Deletion in cockpit not working

Version 3.7.0 (SP7)

Release Date: 05.04.2024

New Feature

IFTT-1897 Test type - RFC validation (System Health Check)
IFTT-2127 Test type - RFC call
IFTT-2182 Test type - File adapter for backend testing
IFTT-1995 Fiori Tiles - Wiki
IFTT-2203 Fiori tiles - SAP IDoc Test Case Creation Robot and Boomi Robot
IFTT-2099 Multi-interface chain testing in one Test Case
IFTT-2028 Summary of errors on main Test Results screen


IFTT-1982 PI/PO REST Sync interface - Validate JSON response
IFTT-1824 XPATH help with TC reference
IFTT-1937 Rules for payload matching
IFTT-1942 Test Cases Deletion report - add possibility to define minimum number of TC
IFTT-2005 IDoc Robot - Improvements
IFTT-2045 Test Runs Fiori app:filter for the environment
IFTT-2102 Authorization Template update with TCODE /Int4/IFTT_AO_LOGS
IFTT-2108 Allow to filter iFlows on name in iFlows search help in Test Types 12 and 13
IFTT-2109 Progress bar when saving TC in Fiori
IFTT-2113 WebMethods - allow to download directly from context ID
IFTT-2117 PI/PO Sync - read from persistance, execute using SYNC_URL
IFTT-2122 Auth checks in OData service generate many false negatives for S_TABU_DIS
IFTT-2123 Move Additional Params to top of the AO screen
IFTT-2124 WebMethods time zone handling improvements
IFTT-2158 Implement the check to not allow space in the AO name
IFTT-2183 AO: Value help for Output Automation Object & Child Test Case Automation Object
IFTT-2186 Naming consistency update - Folder, Environment,Test Type
IFTT-2198 XPath & Folder value help - enable row selection
IFTT-2204 Boomi - handling processes with multiple inputs
IFTT-2212 SAP CPI - Do not switch on trace when there are outbound AOs
IFTT-2213 CPI Migration cockpit - allow to name new AO created
IFTT-2226 Wildcard support for Mapping Objects Source Value
IFTT-2228 Manage Test Runs - navigation from Cockpit fails when Gateway doesn't have ALPHA conversions
IFTT-2233 Support for escape characters in EDIFACT messages
IFTT-2234 Configurable test case description for TC migration

Bug fix

IFTT-2104 File comparator is not detecting JSON files correctly when string property value contains html/xml tags
IFTT-2105 Fiori - parent/child test cases are not copied accordingly
IFTT-2107 Running from Fiori via GUI fails on S4 2021
IFTT-2147 Event Mesh, TC execution on multiple topics and queues
IFTT-2148 IDOC Inbound - AO without DB rules and without status validation is displayed 'Without results' in test run
IFTT-2189 CPI with output AO - duplicate output
IFTT-2190 Test Cases Analysis - incorrect number of test cases displayed
IFTT-2194 Automation Object VH - cannot enter type number with keyboard
IFTT-2195 AO: Parameter section not visible until you click Edit button
IFTT-2196 CPI Connectivity check in wizard dumps when endpoint returns 200 but wrong content
IFTT-2197 Cockpit - tree navigation breaks after using 'Go to' testcase
IFTT-2200 Fiori - Test Run Name Change fix
IFTT-2201 Test Cases App: Content Search fix
IFTT-2211 Errors Summary - message text contains reversed data and grouping should not contain the occurrence
IFTT-2222 XPathTreeTable fails on UI5 1.108.22
IFTT-2227 Boomi - dump when Boomi response is empty

Version 3.6.0 (SP6)

Release Date: 22.12.2023

New Feature

IFTT-2079 Event Mesh testing
IFTT-2083 Event Mesh Message Selector
IFTT-1986 Test Case report - search by Test Run data
IFTT-1981 Test Cases app - search by payload
IFTT-2031 WebMethods - routing options
IFTT-2011 Allow adding and removing output payloads from test cases
IFTT-2081 Display 'white characters' in file comparison


IFTT-1996 License expiration message in Fiori
IFTT-1998 Handle scenarios where CPI Trace is enabled with Delay
IFTT-2004 Add option to fetch input and output for CPI from Attachments
IFTT-2009 Allow type 91 XSLT in Shield & Shield lite
IFTT-2013 CPI Message Search using parent in CPI outbound (13)
IFTT-2019 Cleanup SCI_CF parameter usage - trace activation on CF
IFTT-2030 Remove dynamic column sets from PI screens
IFTT-2042 IDoc Robot - allow to choose Test Type different than 6 and 7
IFTT-2043 Cockpit - test case results and navigation to Test Run
IFTT-2057 Template Role for IDocs adjustment
IFTT-2061 CPI: Search using parent correlation ID
IFTT-2067 WM-IDoc triggers improvements

Bug fix

IFTT-2001 Fix Dump in IDoc Robot Extended Configuration
IFTT-2006 Displaying previous payload versions via Fiori shows always the latest version
IFTT-2008 Additional parameter TRECTNUMBNR (Number of attempts) missing in the Fiori
IFTT-2010 Stop HTTP status codes propagation when Dispatcher is called synchronously
IFTT-2026 Payload Validations in Fiori - Ignore->Warning when edit
IFTT-2032 Int4 APITester Fiori results: Unable to extract request URI: Illegal character in query
IFTT-2033 WebMethods IDoc Outbound (63) - missing replace value in execute specific
IFTT-2035 SAP IS: JMS payload fetching doesn't work when the message is in Retry status
IFTT-2046 CPI Trace Scheduler - variant keeps the old value of the date and time
IFTT-2047 JSON file comparison is misleading when one of the properties missing
IFTT-2053 Search using parent application ID is not working when message is sent from external system not via Dispatcher
IFTT-2056 Typo while attachment is displayed in the SAP PO test type
IFTT-2059 Int4 Suite Wizard - SAP PO Ports Creation is not possible without changing the status manually
IFTT-2073 PI Outbound ABAP - default after mapping version from global parameters is not used
IFTT-2076 Export of the DB Validation rulesets from Fiori
IFTT-2077 PI Sync Test Case - Payload changes are ignored when header replacement is used
IFTT-2080 XML comparison creates wrong result when comparing namespaces with prefix overriding
IFTT-2082 Outbound Web Services with SRT_MONI fix
IFTT-2094 Fiori - test Results details not displayed after deletion of test case
IFTT-2095 IFMT - iflow creation on Cloud Foundry with OAuth
IFTT-2096 IFMT - Migration Artifacts - wrong links if source landscape <> target

Version 3.5.0 (SP5)

Release Date: 3.08.2023

New Feature

IFTT-1880 Test Run Revalidation
IFTT-1959 SAP PO - ICO chain testing in one Test Case
IFTT-1960 SAP IS - iFlow chain testing in one Test Case
IFTT-1970 Possibility to merge SAP PO inbound payload with inbound header into one XML during SAP PO to SAP IS migration
IFTT-1941 Cloud Integration Runtime on SAP PO - Dispatcher
IFTT-1985 IDoc status information on TC Results


IFTT-1823 Improve CPI/IS connectivity checks in configuration wizard
IFTT-1956 Add global parameter for sorting XMLs
IFTT-1980 Test Case Analysis - improve status handling for failed jobs
IFTT-1983 OData metadata cache refresh after changes to IFTT_SRV service

Bug fix

IFTT-1946 System line from automation object is not taken into account on IDoc type save.
IFTT-1967 Handling of additional parameters with empty values from Fiori (PITINJECT)
IFTT-1968 Search help for CPI Iflow blocks in AO has max. length of iflow field set to 30
IFTT-1969 XML comparator - wrong result when same NS uri is used twice with different prefixes
IFTT-1971 'XML unsorted' parameter causes incorrect display (missing attributes, left nodes)
IFTT-1973 S4 HANA 2022 - Cannot save test case from Fiori - Error Message: Could not lock Test Case
IFTT-1979 SLG0 log object /INT4/ML missing in SP4
IFTT-1991 Import of nested folder structure fails

Version 3.4.0 (SP4)

Release Date: 6.07.2023

New Feature

IFTT-1885 Test Cases Analysis report
IFTT-1920 Performance testing
IFTT-1931 MuleSoft Support
IFTT-1901 IDoc Robot
IFTT-1895 Dynamic variable replacement in XSLT
IFTT-1896 Add JMS support to Int4 Dispatcher


IFTT-1444 SAP PI/PO Adapter Modules Logic (e.g. EDI) testing approach
IFTT-1701 E2E Outbound with NAST option - generating value for new message
IFTT-1777 SAP Process Orchestration Wizard - Automatic Sync Interfaces identification and proper automation object creation
IFTT-1860 Int4 Shield Lite missing entries in /INT4/IFTT_TCMIG
IFTT-1879 Flat file alternative comparision
IFTT-1888 New interface type: ABAP Web Service/ICF Outbound
IFTT-1889 ABAP Web Service/ICF- possibility to read messages in SRT_MONI
IFTT-1890 IFMT Migrate inbound and outbound to two separate flows
IFTT-1891 Test type 12 - allow input only configuration
IFTT-1900 Extend File Comparator test type to be able to take TCs payloads as inputs
IFTT-1892 SAP CPI on PO Runtime - switch on Trace automatically
IFTT-1903 Variable editor in Int4 Messenger
IFTT-1934 CPI Adapter type field in new UI to be a dropdown list with values
IFTT-1852 Handle SAP PI attachments comparison for PI E2E Outbound
IFTT-1870 Add "OR" handling for REGEX
IFTT-1945 SAP Cloud Integration - support for OAuth 2.0 for the Management API
IFTT-1947 WebMethods IDoc outbound

Bug fix

IFTT-1804 Test Result Differences - Report not working for big payloads
IFTT-1847 New Automation Objects created by Robot are created in legacy type.
IFTT-1874 History in Fiori is not cleared when you move back to test run list from test run
IFTT-1875 Synchronous test runs do not save neither selection nor parameter values
IFTT-1882 Fix for DB mapping different field length
IFTT-1894 Mass maintenance of IFTT config tables - adding entries for table /INT4/IFTT_OBDEX
IFTT-1902 IDOC message selector - wrong time zone handling
IFTT-1912 API Tester Cockpit - invalid parent id after drag & drop
IFTT-1913 Fiori AO - cannot save new variable processors for AO migrated from backend
IFTT-1916 Automation Objects app - broken links in Fiori Navigation Bar
IFTT-1919 Outbound IDocs cannot be found while providing Test Run Date and Test Run Time from the API
IFTT-1927 Test Cases app - default filter fo document number contains space
IFTT-1928 Robot root folder validation
IFTT-1929 Test Result Differences - Report not showing attribute differences
IFTT-1948 Outbound Proxy - messages in COMPARE_SPECIFIC are searched locally
IFTT-1951 Can't find any messages for PI Outbound with ABAP stack
IFTT-1955 Short dump in CBTA test case caused by missing authorizations
IFTT-1957 /INT4/IFTT_F_TRANSFER_TO_PRXSA dumps for outbound proxy (inverted param types)

Version 3.3.0 (SP3)

Release Date: 7.03.2023

New Feature

IFTT-1834 API Tester Cockpit - UI based on Grid Table

IFTT-1851 SFTP support in CPI dispatcher

IFTT-1721 CPI dynamic configuration from IFTT

IFTT-1856 Extended Test Evidence

IFTT-1450 Enable change tracking for configuration objects (AO)

IFTT-1488 Fiori Message selector - Generic Adapter

IFTT-1490 Fiori Message selector - IDOC

IFTT-1492 Fiori Message selector - Azure Logic Apps

IFTT-1579 Fiori Int4 Cockpit Test Case Versions Preview

IFTT-1853 Handle synchronous SV scenario

IFTT-1866 Automation Objects - Show unused automation object

IFTT-1873 Concatenation processor for variables


IFTT-1820 Allow XPath Value Help without "/text()" at the end of XPaths

IFTT-1821 Allow multiple selection in XPath Value Help

IFTT-1837 Extend REST API with filtering by Test Run Type

IFTT-1451 Implement check before AO deletion - based on where-used function

IFTT-1476 Test case report - add move to TC from test case report

IFTT-1503 XML Comparison Report - show XML in the unsorted order

IFTT-1552 Display only Error or only Passed TC in test results

IFTT-1574 XSLT maintenance in Fiori

IFTT-1593 Manage Test Cases App - Import & Export

IFTT-1616 Trigger Output Test Type - use conversion exit for language code (SPRAS)

IFTT-1628 Duplicate check for the DB Validation Table Fields in the Automation Object

IFTT-1631 DB Validation Results - Go to Next Difference

IFTT-1668 Test Runs - add Rerun button

IFTT-1681 Fiori progress bar for test case execution

IFTT-1697 Test case execution details - Execution information display improvement

IFTT-1711 Add 'Dynamic Column Set' field in new UI for Automation Object

IFTT-1724 DB validation with missing reference messages

IFTT-1731 Add split per folder in results summary by default

IFTT-1732 Add Next and Previous buttons to the test case results screen

IFTT-1780 Azure Logic Apps adjustments

IFTT-1825 Allow entering Interface Type number directly as input to the Interface Type field

IFTT-1831 Process Builder - performance improvements

IFTT-1838 Add execution possibility from Test Case report in new UI

IFTT-1841 Add copy TC button in cockpit

IFTT-1843 Popup informing that we are deleting from more than one folder if multiselect is switched on

IFTT-1849 Separate PROXY inbound and outbound remote function modules in a separate package

IFTT-1862 Support different encodings for flat files and EDI interfaces

IFTT-1864 CPI Dispatcher - SFTP support - additional parameter

IFTT-1867 Support for AMPQ adapter (SAP Event Mesh)

IFTT-1868 Timer based flows, allow to redeploy

IFTT-1869 Separate FM for Proxy adapter type - support for ABAP 700 version

Bug fix

IFTT-1794 API Tester doesn't load when there are no folders created

IFTT-1795 Uncaught exception "/INT4/IFTT_IF_PI_API~QUERY_ICOS"

IFTT-1796 PI E2E Synchronous - content is not actually updated when editing the request payload

IFTT-1808 Fix TC count in folder tree

IFTT-1845 Test run - xml comparison iframe steals focus

IFTT-1826 Fix XML editor and XPath tree height in XPath Value Help

IFTT-1809 When staging is on the receiver interface Fiori UI is not able to search messages

IFTT-1812 API Tester Cockpit - Canceling folder change doesn't revert the changes

IFTT-1817 Fix spelling in Fiori group name

IFTT-1818 Comparison of two different systems from two different landscapes is not possible

IFTT-1830 Additional parameters are not being displayed for the test type 6

IFTT-1832 Long loading time of initial list in Manage Test Cases application

IFTT-1839 XSLT additional parameters missing in new UI for all types

IFTT-1844 Test Run status initially visible as failed

IFTT-1854 Clear selection when changing the folder

IFTT-1855 HTTPHEADER additional param is not visible for type 12

IFTT-1857 Fiori back button should always redirect to the test run list of test cases

IFTT-1859 IFMT handling of namespaces

IFTT-1863 Providing value for variable from container fails with an error

IFTT-1865 Test Type 12 - is not downloading payload if HTTP Method is GET

Version 3.2.0 (SP2)

Release Date: 2.12.2022

New Feature

IFTT-1396 Proxy Inbound & Outbound Message Selector Tool
IFTT-1673 New tile - start IFMT filling report on selected landscape
IFTT-1686 Automatic migration of PO to CPI TC from Cockpit


IFTT-1651 CRSF Token handling
IFTT-1649 Scrambling of messages on preview
IFTT-1693 JSONPath handling of files starting with ARRAY
IFTT-1698 SAP PI Robot - add parameter for reading archived messages
IFTT-1717 Int4 IMG - Landscape Configuration structure improvement
IFTT-1719 IDOC RFC modules distributable package
IFTT-1715 Mass maintenance of IFTT config tables - Display/Change mode
IFTT-1700 PI Robot - RFC outbound interfaces to be handled as Sync
IFTT-1716 Outbound Proxy - search & compare output
IFTT-1721 CPI dynamic configuration from IFTT
IFTT-1725 CPI Header comparison
IFTT-1727 CPI Robot - stop trace after selected number of test cases are created
IFTT-1775 Text Case Execution report - UX improvements
IFTT-1703 Fiori - Create "Advanced" dropdown on cockpit toolbar and move CPI Trace and Migrate Selected there
IFTT-1722 Fiori - inverted order of test case's runs
IFTT-1674 Migrator - Check PO Test execution status before migration
IFTT-1675 Migrator - PO & CPI test case folder selection
IFTT-1676 Migrator - Massive action execution ( execute PO TC, execute CPI TC)
IFTT-1712 Migrator - Add support for manual migration - assign existing iflow

Bug fix

IFTT-1699 Test Report - test case results displayed incorrectly in 'UI5' mode
IFTT-1713 Performance Testing - Channel lock failure ignored
IFTT-1714 SAP PI/PO Adapter Modules Logic Testing - Unnecessary Additional Parameter required
IFTT-1718 DB_RES variable is not being populated when any line from any table is missing
IFTT-1696 Mapping Object Name - Case sensitivity conflict
IFTT-1729 JSONPath not working in payload validation ignore list when array is the root node
IFTT-1791 Short Dump in Automation Object Export (/INT4/IFTT_CONF_MASS)
IFTT-1720 CPI Migrator - AO migration doesn't work properly
IFTT-1707 Fiori - Manage Test Cases report UI fixes
IFTT-1723 Fiori - Number of TC in a folder are not shown correctly

Version 3.0.1 (SP1)

Release Date: 26.09.2022

New Feature

IFTT-1511 Report that shows all the differences in the output XML/flat files in one table


IFTT-1663 Value mapping maintenance - use /INT4/IFTT_VIEW_WRAP instead of SM34

IFTT-1650 CPI - Search messages by custom header instead of SAP_ApplicationID

IFTT-1655 Report with XML differences improvements

IFTT-1622 SAP PI/PO New parameter to skip successor search when downloading messages

IFTT-1589 Test Case Report - Add payload size details on test case level

IFTT-1621 SAP PI/PO & CPI - Allow TC creation without reference to existing document

IFTT-1607 Sorting of test cases on results report - same logic as cockpit

Bug fix

IFTT-1654 WebMethods Outbound can't fetch variable from reference message

IFTT-1648 Unable to Export AO on systems without /INT4/SV_OBJDF

IFTT-1642 Unable to copy automation objects on systems without /INT4/SV_OBJDF

IFTT-1637 Boomi - Sync response messages are not being fetched on test case execution for some cases

IFTT-1626 Output Repeat FM - improve backend error handling

IFTT-1614 Outbound IDoc takes wrong messages while comparing (IDoc Inbound/IDoc Outbound)

IFTT-1632 Boomi - SYNC_URL Dynamic URL with variables

IFTT-1623 Validate PI message status is not working in PI E2E Outbound scenario

IFTT-1609 Displaying legacy report fails on S4 2021

IFTT-1507 PI/PO Robot - Skip duplicate per test case description is not working on folder level

Version 3.0.0

Release Date: 5.9.2022

Initial shipment of Int4 Suite


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