Maintain Landscape Exclusion Systems List


There are circumstances where an interface has multiple receivers, such as a QA environment and only one in DEV. In such a case, we need to add this exclusion system rule. It is still necessary to run the test case correctly, disregarding the absence of the particular receiver system.

A list of Business systems that exist in a particular landscape but doesn't exist in others can be completed in the Exclusion Systems List. This adjustment will eliminate the problem with the different number of receivers for particular interfaces in multiple landscapes like Development, Testing, Quality, Pre-prod, and others.


1. Go to transaction /INT4/IFTT_IMG

2. By choosing "Maintain Landscape Exclusion Systems List," you will access the Exclusion Systems List.

3. Now, you can add New Entriesedit the current ones or delete any entries.

4. Choose a Landscape (original landscape from which the test case was created) and fill in the business system/component name. Ensure to enter the business system/component name correctly.

The exclusion will work on all landscapes which are not the same as the original landscape. 

5. Save the changes, and the Exclusion Systems List is updated.

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