(3.10) Legacy Release Notes

(3.10) Legacy Release Notes

With Int4 IFTT 2.5.0 released on 27th October 2020, there is a new Int4 IFTT release numbering system. We also revised our release type terminology. We introduced these changes to:

  • Simplify the release numbering and align it with industry standards

  • Communicate what is the frequency and content of each release

  • Align external release numbers with our internal development, build, and life-cycle management tools and processes

Int4 IFTT releases are now numbered in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format, e.g., 2.5.1

Release type terminology
Major release

  • Includes significant new features, large architectural changes, new product components

  • Release going through the certification process with SAP Integration and Certification Center

  • Frequency: Scheduled release delivered every 1-2 years

  • Delivered as ABAP Add-on

  • Current major release: 2 (as of Oct 2020)

Minor release

  • Includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Cumulative update of maintenance releases.

  • Previously called Service Pack.

  • Frequency: Scheduled release delivered quarterly

  • Delivered as ABAP transport. Requires Major release Add-on to be deployed on target system first

  • Current minor release 2.5 (as of Oct 2020), next planned minor release is 2.6 scheduled for the end of Q4 2020

Maintenance release

  • Scope: Improvements, bug fixes

  • Frequency: Ad-hoc release delivered as necessary

  • Delivered as ABAP transport. Requires Major release Add-on to be deployed on target system first

  • Current maintenance release: 2.5.2 (as of Oct 2020)

Frequently asked questions

Q: Where can I find details about each release?

A: We publish release notes in the Int4 IFTT Knowledge Center Library


Q: How to check my Int4 IFTT version?

A: Version is displayed in int4 IFTT Cockpit toolbar ( transaction /INT4/IFTT_COCKPIT )

Q: My current Int4 IFTT version is X. How can I upgrade to the latest version? Do I have to install all versions in between?

A: It depends on the major version of the Add-on. Suppose you have the latest major version installed ( currently Add-on version 200). In that case, you can upgrade directly to the latest minor or maintenance version by importing single transport. Minor and maintenance releases are cumulative and contain all previous changes. There is no need to install all versions in between.


Current version 2.5.0 -> installation of latest maintenance version 2.5.2 possible

Current version 2.0 SP03 A -> installation of latest minor version 2.5.0 possible

-> installation of latest maintenance version 2.5.2 possible

Current version 1.0 SP11 -> installation of latest minor or maintenance version requires Add-On upgrade first

Q: Is it safe to install the latest version of int4 IFTT?

A: All releases are verified and tested on our test landscapes before they are generally available. We are maintaining backward compatibility and avoid breaking changes that could impact your test cases and data.
Some features require additional actions after installing the release, e.g., running tasks in Customizing Wizard. In such cases, the procedure is described in the release notes.


Q: I’m upgrading my system where Int4 IFTT is installed. How to handle Int4 IFTT Add-on?

A: Int4 IFTT Add-on should not impact the upgrade process and continue to work correctly after the upgrade. For specific release changes, it is required to import the Attribute Change Package (ACP) in Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT) as a prerequisite. Please contact Int4 IFTT Support before upgrading your system, providing target versions of SAP_ABA and SAP_BASIS components to check if the ACP is required.

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