(3.10) Int4 IFTT Release Notes 2.8.x
Release Notes
Version 2.8.25
Release Date: 06.07.2023
IFTT-1701 E2E Outbound with NAST option - generating value for new message
IFTT-1947 WebMethods with IDoc outbound
Bug fix
IFTT-1804 Test Result Differences - Report not working for big payloads
IFTT-1875 Synchronous test runs do not save parameter values
IFTT-1928 Robot root folder validation
IFTT-1929 Test Result Differences - Report not showing attribute differences
IFTT-1951 Can't find any messages for PI Outbound with ABAP stack
Version 2.8.24
Release Date: 04.05.2023
Version 2.8.23
Release Date: 13.04.2023
IFTT-1444 SAP PI/PO Adapter Modules Logic (e.g. EDI) - improved testing approach
IFTT-1777 SAP Process Orchestration Wizard - Automatic Sync Interfaces identification
IFTT-1879 Flat file alternative comparator
IFTT-1888 New interface type: ABAP Web Service/ICF Outbound
Bug Fix
IFTT-1881 In /INT4/IFTT_CL_TEST_RUN - setting landscape is missing
IFTT-1882 Fix for DB mapping different field length
IFTT-1902 IDOC message selector - wrong time zone handling
Version 2.8.22
Release Date: 6.03.2023
IFTT-1873 Concatenation processor for variables
IFTT-1616 Trigger Output Test Type - use conversion exit for language code (SPRAS)
IFTT-1628 Duplicate check for the DB Validation Table Fields in the Automation Object
IFTT-1631 DB Validation Results - Go to Next Difference
IFTT-1697 Test case execution details - Execution information display improvement
IFTT-1862 Support different encodings for flat files and EDI interfaces
IFTT-1864 CPI Dispatcher - SFTP support - additional parameter needed
IFTT-1867 Support for AMPQ adapter (SAP Event Mesh)
IFTT-1868 Timer based flows, allow to redeploy
IFTT-1869 Separate FM for Proxy adapter type - support for ABAP 700 version
Bug Fix
IFTT-1818 Comparison of two different systems from two different landscapes is not possible
IFTT-1865 Test Type 12 - is not downloading payload if HTTP Method is GET
Version 2.8.21
Release Date: 3.02.2023
IFTT-1476 Test case report - add move to TC from test case report
IFTT-1503 XML Comparison Report - show XML unsorted
IFTT-1552 Display only Error or only Passed TC in test results
IFTT-1721 CPI dynamic configuration from IFTT
IFTT-1724 DB validation with missing reference messages
IFTT-1780 Azure Logic Apps adjustments
IFTT-1831 Process Builder - performance improvements
IFTT-1849 Separate PROXY inbound and outbound remote function modules in a separate package
IFTT-1856 Download button for Reference and Current payload in TC Results
IFTT-1837 Extend REST API with filtering by Test Run Type
IFTT-1851 SFTP support in CPI dispatcher
Bug Fix
IFTT-1795 Uncaught exception "/INT4/IFTT_IF_PI_API~QUERY_ICOS"
IFTT-1796 PI E2E Synchronous - content is not actually updated when editing the request payload
Version 2.8.20
Release Date: 2.12.2022
IFTT-1700 PI Robot - RFC outbound interfaces to be handled as Sync
IFTT-1716 Outbound Proxy - search & compare output
IFTT-1721 CPI dynamic configuration from IFTT
IFTT-1725 CPI Header comparison
IFTT-1727 CPI Robot - stop trace after selected number of test cases are created
IFTT-1775 Text Case Execution report - UX improvements
Bug Fix
IFTT-1696 Mapping Object Name - Case sensitivity conflict
IFTT-1729 JSONPath not working in payload validation ignore list when array is the root node
IFTT-1791 Short Dump in Automation Object Export (/INT4/IFTT_CONF_MASS)
Version 2.8.19
Release Date: 20.10.2022
New Feature
IFTT-1396 Proxy Inbound & Outbound Message Selector Tool
IFTT-1693 JSONPath handling of files starting with ARRAY
IFTT-1698 SAP PI Robot - add parameter for reading archived messages
IFTT-1717 Int4 IMG - Landscape Configuration structure improvement
IFTT-1719 IDOC RFC modules distributable package
IFTT-1715 Mass maintenance of IFTT config tables - Display/Change mode
Bug fix
IFTT-1699 Test Report - test case results displayed incorrectly in 'UI5' mode
IFTT-1713 Performance Testing - Channel lock failure ignored
IFTT-1714 SAP PI/PO Adapter Modules Logic Testing - Unnecessary Additional Parameter required
IFTT-1718 DB_RES variable is not being populated when any line from any table is missing
Version 2.8.18
Release Date: 06.10.2022
IFTT-1651 CRSF Token handling
IFTT-1649 Scrambling of messages on preview
Version 2.8.17
Release Date: 26.09.2022
IFTT-1663 Value mapping maintenance - use /INT4/IFTT_VIEW_WRAP instead of SM34
IFTT-1650 CPI - Search messages by custom header instead of SAP_ApplicationID
IFTT-1655 Report with XML differences improvements
Bug fix
IFTT-1654 WebMethods Outbound can't fetch variable from reference message
IFTT-1648 Unable to Export AO on systems without /INT4/SV_OBJDF
IFTT-1642 Unable to copy automation objects on systems without /INT4/SV_OBJDF
IFTT-1637 Boomi - Sync response messages are not being fetched on test case execution for some cases
IFTT-1626 Output Repeat FM - improve backend error handling
IFTT-1614 Outbound IDoc takes wrong messages while comparing (IDoc Inbound/IDoc Outbound)
Version 2.8.16
Release Date: 26.08.2022
IFTT-1622 SAP PI/PO New parameter to skip successor search when downloading messages
IFTT-1589 Test Case Report - Add payload size details on test case level
IFTT-1621 SAP PI/PO & CPI - Allow TC creation without reference to existing document
IFTT-1607 Sorting of test cases on results report - same logic as cockpit
New Feature
IFTT-1511 Report that shows all the differences in the output XML/flat files in one table
Bug fix
IFTT-1632 Boomi - SYNC_URL Dynamic URL with varaibles
IFTT-1623 Validate PI message status is not working in PI E2E Outbound scenario
IFTT-1609 Displaying legacy report fails on S4 2021
IFTT-1507 PI/PO Robot - Skip duplicate per test case description is not working on folder level
Version 2.8.15
Release Date: 04.08.2022
IFTT-1571 Copy "Adapter Engine" value when testing sender channel's adapter modules
IFTT-1508 XML Comparison Report - additional buttons for error navigation
IFTT-1595 Boomi - Possibility to create Boomi Inbound test type with empty input payload
IFTT-1586 Boomi - add support for executions with more than 100 output messages
New Feature
IFTT-1568 IFTT Process crawler - basic
Bug fix
IFTT-1594 Boomi - Variable processor READ_MSGO is not working during test case execution
IFTT-1588 Boomi- Dump in F4_DOCNUM with empty landscape
IFTT-1584 Test case - create date/time overwritten during update or move of test case
IFTT-1565 Test Run parameter names longer than data element length
Version 2.8.14
Release Date: 23.06.2022
IFTT-1549 Configuration-Based Virtualization improvements
IFTT-1547 Add possibility to order messages by execution time in PI/PO Robot
IFTT-1535 Application Interface Register id in SAP API calls
Version 2.8.13
Release Date: 09.06.2022
IFTT-1454 Configuration-Based Virtualization improvements
Version 2.8.12
Release Date: 27.05.2022
IFTT-1498 DB Selection Criteria - IN operator - multiple values of the same field
IFTT-1483 Add client settings checks to FM for output control
IFTT-1477 PI Robot - Duplicate check based on name - performance improvements
IFTT-1429 Add possibility to maintain Description for the payload validation ignore list
Bug fix
IFTT-1502 Fix PI Robot folder name comparison for long names
IFTT-1500 Fix SQL Dump in /INT4/IFTT_RESULTS for large numbers of TC selected in Cockpit
IFTT-1485 Fix response line ending handling in /INT4/IFTT_IF_PI_API~QUERY_SYNC_INTERFACES
IFTT-1484 Wrong RFC taken for triggering message from output
IFTT-1480 Data Scrambling on test case creation for Boomi test types
Version 2.8.11
Release Date: 28.04.2022
IFTT-1398 SAP PI/PO Wizard - Sync interface identification and automatic AO configuration
IFTT-1399 SAP PI/PO Robot - Sync interface identification and Automated Configuration (AO+OEC)
Bug fix
IFTT-1474 Wrong RFC taken for triggering message from output (PI E2E Outbound)
IFTT-1446 Error message when populating container values for synch. test cases
IFTT-1443 /INT4/IFTT/CONF_EXP fix duplicate key check
Version 2.8.10
Release Date: 15.04.2022
IFTT-1439 - Improve handling of asynchronous XI endpoint in CPI
Version 2.8.9
Release Date: 31.03.2022
New Feature
IFTT-1427 Selenium test case execution
IFTT-1424 Report for Mass change of test cases
IFTT-1431 Int4 IFTT Test Results - Create new TC version for PI E2E Outbound scenario
IFTT-1430 Test Case Report: Move and Copy with folder number
Bug fix
IFTT-1435 XML comparator - payload ignore for missing node tree is not recursive
Version 2.8.8
Release Date: 16.03.2022
New Feature
IFTT-1353 Azure Service Bus support
IFTT-1343 Azure API Management support
IFTT-1402 Boomi - Environment to Atoms mapping
IFTT-1377 Mapping of table names for S4 migrations
IFTT-1384 System/User time zone on Message Selectors' Selection Screen
IFTT-1383 Additional selection criteria in webMethods Message Selector
IFTT-1329 Delay between ALL test cases execution and ALL test cases validation in Run report
IFTT-1417 Boomi - Functionality to store multiple specific outputs (BOOMI_O_OP)
IFTT-1382 Boomi - store and compare multiple output messages
IFTT-1381 Boomi - find by input payload should ignore xml header
IFTT-1380 Boomi - add support for message header variables (READ_MSGH, READ_MSGOH)
IFTT-1376 webMethods - add support for message header variables (READ_MSGH, READ_MSGOH)
IFTT-1374 webMethods context id in variable
IFTT-1375 PI E2E Outbound - Preventing sending test messages to receiver systems is working only when PIWAITSTAT parameter is on
IFTT-1316 Extend maximum number of variables in Message Search (PI/CPI/Boomi etc)
IFTT-1400 Add possibility to revert to specific version of test case
IFTT-1394 Attribute Change Package for installation of IFTT on S/4 HANA 2021
IFTT-1385 Sort the Conf Mass list by Automation Object name by default
Bug fix
IFTT-1423 XML Comparator - wrong handling of missing nodes
IFTT-1422 /INT4/IFTT_CL_FILE_COMPARATOR dumps when file has less than 10 characters
IFTT-1389 drag&drop of test case with multiple versions - folder not updated for all versions
IFTT-1378 /INT4/IFTT_F_TRIGGER_MSG - incorrect selection for PARNR, PARVW
IFTT-1344 XML Comparator - fix Xpath exceptions for attributes
Version 2.8.7
Release Date: 10.02.2022
New Feature
IFTT-1327 Azure Logic Apps test type
IFTT-1334 File Comparator test type
IFTT-1323 Additional parameter - inject via PIT in the automation object
IFTT-1338 webMethods, PI - add possibility to display custom columns in message selector
IFTT-1336 Payload validation ignore rule - based on mapping object
IFTT-1333 Allow passing directly input parameters for CBTA scripts
IFTT-1319 Improve error handling in /INT4/IFTT_CL_PI_API_ABAPSTACK GET_MESSAGE_LIST RFC call
IFTT-1314 Outbound/Inbound IDoc test case status based on the actual backend IDoc status
IFTT-825 Parallel test case execution
Bug fix
IFTT-1326 Handling of DB validation when variable not found
IFTT-1320 Test Case Results - Create New TC Version uses original landscape
IFTT-1317 Handling of RFC errors in TRIGGER_NAST_MESSAGE
Version 2.8.6
Release Date: 25.01.2022
IFTT-1313 Test case comparison - Ignore specific missing lines in flat file messages
IFTT-1315 PI Sync - Header variables replacement
IFTT-1281 IDoc selector report error reporting
Version 2.8.5
Release Date: 19.01.2022
New Feature
IFTT-1274 Jira integration for Change Management
IFTT-976 Tricentis - new test type for Tricentis Integration to automate UI
IFTT-1311 PI Outbound: Locate new message with Variable Processor on Header
IFTT-1297 Move test cases from multiple folders in one operation
IFTT-1292 Payload Matching in CONF_EXP view
IFTT-1278 Sorting improvement for test cases with multiple parents
IFTT-1013 CPI Robot - add filtering by content (variables)
IFTT-916 SAP CPI - Enable sending to Dispatcher using SOAP to improve processing time
Version 2.8.4
Release Date: 05.01.2022
New Feature
IFTT-1265 Test types - configuration and reporting for test runs
IFTT-1251 Compare SAP Header Texts in the E2E validation
IFTT-1293 IFMT allow migration from one landscape to another
IFTT-1272 IFMT Default Out Process Direct
IFTT-1267 Modify "Execute/Execute All" buttons behavior
Bug fix
IFTT-1305 Fix conversion issue for eCATT logs with mixed XML character encoding
IFTT-1298 [VAR*] pattern requires re-entering to the cockpit
IFTT-1295 Create new version from test run is not working for CPI test cases
Version 2.8.3
Release Date: 09.12.2021
New Feature
IFTT-1255 Automate adding of child test cases with Automation Object selection
IFTT-1250 Simulation test type for CPI
IFTT-1130 Outbound Proxy with Payload Validation
IFTT-920 Content based message search on folder or selected test cases
IFTT-1291 Create button in mass config
IFTT-1283 Compare all fields if no Comparison rules defined
IFTT-1280 webMethods - logical port configuration per landscape
IFTT-1257 IFTT APIs variable validation
IFTT-1112 DB Validation when variable is empty
Bug fix
IFTT-1286 An empty Automation Object open after double-click on Automation Object column header
IFTT-1282 DB Comparison does not work if root node has parent = 0
IFTT-1276 PI E2E Outbound is not fetching all outbound messages during test case execution
IFTT-1275 After using the "Go to TC" button the whole Folder structure is expanded
IFTT-1261 Conversion exit input on DB comparison is causing test case executions to fail
IFTT-1258 Wrong version updated when changing payload and description in the same session
IFTT-1223 IFMT UX issues on smaller screens
Version 2.8.2
Release Date: 14.10.2021
Important note: Default user interface of mass maintenance of automation objects has changed, to prevent issues with locking configuration access. The old interface is available under a different transaction code.
New Feature
IFTT-1210 - Add confirmation popup after making changes using Container
IFTT-1184 - OData API - Folder Structure
IFTT-1105 - Secure store for sensitive variables/payloads
IFTT-1227 - PI header variable values support in PI E2E Outbound (Type 5)
IFTT-1217 - /int4/iftt_dt_tct_tcnp data element lenght change
IFTT-1213 - Multiple output messages with the variable processor [VAR_] improvement
IFTT-1212 - Populate variable after execution - Read outb. msg ID should be filled before DB validation (READ_MSGOI)
IFTT-1138 - Security for MASS CONF + enable parallel work
IFTT-1115 - Add possibility to ignore missing fields in DB validation
IFTT-1052 - Parameter description change
Bug fix
IFTT-1253 - PI E2E Outbound is not fetching all outbound messages during test case execution
IFTT-1225 - Variables container fails when there are > 8 user def. variables, new container GUI
IFTT-1221 - IFMT Fiori GUI empty lines in the ICO list
Version 2.8.1
Release Date: 1.10.2021
New Feature
IFTT-1186 - OData API - Master data/config/value helps
IFTT-1202 - Add support for Multiple Receivers (splitter & router)
IFTT-1196 - [IFMT PO SCENARIO] One sender many receivers with conditions
IFTT-1195 - [IFMT PO SCENARIO] One sender many receivers no conditions
IFTT-1124 - Value mapping between environments for Database Comparison Details
IFTT-853 - Add GUID value submitted in SAP_ApplicationID of CPI test case run to Execution Information
Bug fix
IFTT-1224 - XML not recognized properly if there is no self-closing tag
IFTT-1219 - ConversationID trim should work for namespace in both capital and small letters
IFTT-1215 - No memory for HTTP error when running metadata load for large number of ICOs
IFTT-1214 - Uncaught exception when saving CPI test cases during migration
IFTT-1209 - IFTT dumps when deleting empty folder on top level.
IFTT-1193 - Original Landscape wrongly selected for Inbound IDoc and Outbound IDoc Adapter types during Save Method
Version 2.8.0
Release Date: 16.09.2021
Version 2.8.0 builds upon the previous version legacy and provides two major feature upgrades to the product:
True Virtualization - now IFTT can actively wait for messages sent out from external systems and automatically respond, based on configured dedicated response mappings in XSLT, SAP PI/PO, or cloud-based SAP IS.
Interface Migration Tool (IFMT) supports management and automated migration from SAP PI/PO to cloud-based SAP IS, including scope management, test automation, and automatic conversion of integration components into iFlows.
Most of the new features are documented with video content.
See other features and bug fixes listed below.
New Feature
IFTT-1207 - Variable processor for passing tested SAP PI/PO GUID - output msg ID
IFTT-1131 - REST API: Information about variables required by a test case
IFTT-1108 - Installation guide update in WIKI
IFTT-1206 - IFTT CAI Bot to check for test case parameters
IFTT-1192 - IFMT SAP PO Automation Object handling
IFTT-1191 - Process Direct connectivity by default
IFTT-1190 - PI Sync - Populate Header variables before execution
IFTT-1189 - Add a Package Name (ID) in the details of the ICO (after the iFlow was created)
IFTT-1182 - Boomi HTTP Destination Parameter
IFTT-1181 - PI Robot & Message Selector - filtering on variables from message header and output messages
IFTT-1176 - Create search help/drop down for CPI packages in Migration dialog
IFTT-1171 - Int4 IFTT Robot - Skip duplicates in the same folder based on test case description
IFTT-1169 - Extend test case description from 70 to 128 chars (max ALV)
IFTT-1166 - Populate before on READ_MSGO doesn't work during execution only for variables
IFTT-1165 - Add technical log to the converter
IFTT-1163 - Concurrency & locking for IFMT
IFTT-1162 - ND1 - Enhance ZINT4_IFTT_RELEASE for IFMT to include SLG0 entries (APPL_LOG data)
IFTT-1160 - [VAR_*] pattern in Robots and Cockpit for output messages from message Header -> Reference Messages
IFTT-1156 - Update CPI roles for CF + update IFTT documentation
IFTT-1155 - Wrong namespace in target WSDL of migrated ICO
IFTT-1153 - Enable parameter driven selection of message version taken for True Virtualization
IFTT-1149 - Status reset
IFTT-1148 - Visual progress reporting
IFTT-1147 - Complete Fiori UI features
IFTT-1146 - Update OData services & CDS
IFTT-1145 - PO interface dump report
IFTT-1141 - DB validation for reference document saved in XML - optional parameter
IFTT-1098 - Change data element field label in API Wrapper UI
IFTT-1089 - Refactoring of IFMT core support features
IFTT-1086 - Int4 IFTT License check - scenario analysis
IFTT-953 - Automatic / Easy Way of test case update after some CR
IFTT-815 - CPI Runtime on SAP PO - API
Bug fix
IFTT-1188 - IFMT does not allow Package ID with dots (and it should)
IFTT-1187 - Status messages after Save and Delete actions contain leading zeroes in the TC number
IFTT-1175 - /INT4/IFMT_MIGR report - check for duplicate ICO should consider different landscapes
IFTT-1174 - Migration of ICO |ED1CLNT800|ORDERS.ORDERS05|| fails
IFTT-1168 - PI Synchronous message recognized as TEXT and not XML
IFTT-1161 - Potential "race condition" in PI outbound message processing
IFTT-1159 - Fix data scrambler handling of XML namespaces
IFTT-1157 - Installation Guide PO monitoring settings fix
IFTT-1135 - IDoc message selector tool - wrong system is chosen
IFTT-1129 - Container values not available after Test Cases Export/Import
IFTT-1128 - Parsing PI message fails when SAP:ConversationId header field length > 60
IFTT-833 - SAP CPI Full support for Cloud Foundry
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