(3.10) Int4 IFTT Release Notes 1.0 SP06
Int4 is proud to announce the spring edition of Int4 IFTT.
Release Notes
date: 20.03.2018 version: 1.0 Service Package 6 (103_0006)
New Features
[IFTT-372] - New PO unit test type. Allows testing SAP PO processing with minimal effort. Combines input and output messages in a single test case. Validates routing and receivers
[IFTT-406] - Multi environment support - single IFTT instance connected with multiple backends and SAP PI/PO systems from different landscapes. Support for centralized installation on SAP Solution Manager. Exchange test cases between different environments
[IFTT-386] - Maintenance of License keys
[IFTT-428] - New configuration transaction /INT4/IFTT_IMG. Maintenance of landscape settings and system conversions
[IFTT-475] - One-click option to select all test cases from child nodes
[IFTT-393] - DB comparision: situation when same field in different tables contain different values
[IFTT-394] - Better handling for EDIFACT Exceptions
[IFTT-395] - DB comparison: Introduce select single (or up to n rows) as optional setting
[IFTT-403] - Total execution time added to the reports
[IFTT-431] - eCatt scripts execution on older SAP Solman releases (e.g. 7.1)
[IFTT-442] - PO manual test type- added information about the reference message to the log
[IFTT-443] - IDOC adapter: Add idoc number to the test case execution log
[IFTT-453] - SAP PO API: Missing handling of some exceptions
[IFTT-456] - Additional information in case of troubles with test case creation
[IFTT-458] - CANCELLED PI message selector: Add maximum number of fetched messages (default is 200)
[IFTT-460] - PI Message Selector - new additional selection criteria, increased maximum number of messages
[IFTT-479] - SAP PO testing: Possibility to manually edit content of already created test cases
[IFTT-475] - One-click option to select all test cases from child nodes
[IFTT-398] - Variable display error in specific situations
[IFTT-399] - Missing error when a new document has additional lines comparing to its reference
[IFTT-401] - Wrong logo
[IFTT-407] - Starting of stopped channels
[IFTT-408] - incorrect order of executing variable processors
[IFTT-433] - inheritence of PI message header
[IFTT-438] - F4 help for landscape doesn't work in global parameters view
[IFTT-439] - Add to installation manual how to create actions for required authorization to start and stop channels
[IFTT-454] - PI outbound adapter: incorrect behavior, variable must have 10 chars to work
[IFTT-455] - Synchronous testing- Multiple displaying of XML results in case when backend document is incomplete
[IFTT-457] - Initial customizing: creation of number ranges. Deactivation of buffering to prevent non-sequential TC numbering
[IFTT-459] - Missing information about stopping & starting channel and cancelling a message
[IFTT-461] - PI outbound – broken lookup for newly created output if one of the PI messages is incorrect
[IFTT-463] - Shortdump when field in db comparison doesn't exist
[IFTT-464] - Message version before mapping - additional parameter
[IFTT-465] - Wrong error notification when incorrect xpath provided
[IFTT-470] - Error during deletion of configuration objects
[IFTT-471] - Creation PI inbound by IDoc - not working fetching IDoc from external system
[IFTT-472] - Collective status of test case creation
[IFTT-478] - Landscape conversion issues
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