(3.10) Editing Automation objects in expert mode
It is possible to edit multiple Automation object settings simultaneously by transaction code /INT4/IFTT_CONF_EXP.
Because transaction allows you to edit multiple settings simultaneously, INT4 strongly recommends creating a copy of your settings before the change. To do so, export your settings using transaction /INT4/IFTT_CONF_MASS. In case of any problems, it is possible to import settings from a previously exported file using the Import button.
Users with the IFTT Admin role should apply mass changes of automaton objects data. For more information about authorizations, please refer to (3.10) Authorizations section.
Currently, Expert Mode supports edit of the entries in the following tables:
Landscape configuration
- /INT4/IFTT_SYST - IFTT: System Lines
- /INT4/IFTT_LDSYS - IFTT: Systems in LandscapeObject configuration
- /INT4/IFTT_OBJDF - IFTT: Object definition
- /INT4/IFTT_OBVAR - IFTT: Object Definition - Variables
- /INT4/IFTT_OBVAP - IFTT: Object Variable processing
- /INT4/IFTT_OBJDT - IFTT: Object Definition - DB Comp Steps
- /INT4/IFTT_SELER - IFTT: Selection rules for documents
- /INT4/IFTT_JNTTB - IFTT: Join Tables
- /INT4/IFTT_JNTCD - IFTT: Join Conditions
- /INT4/IFTT_MTCHR - IFTT: Matchineg rules for documents
- /INT4/IFTT_COMPR - IFTT: Comparison rules for documents
- /INT4/IFTT_OBJPA - IFTT: Object additional parameters
- /INT4/IFTT_OBDEX - IFTT: Xpath exceptions for outbound test cases
- /INT4/IFTT_DTSCR - IFTT: Data scrambling rules
You can select a table for maintenance from a dropdown in the report selection screen (dropdown is created as a tree structure to simplify the navigation between tables):
Report output:
It is possible to change table entries, delete existing rows and insert new ones. You can also use the Check Entries function to check the correctness of entered data. To apply changes, please select the Save icon visible in the toolbar section.
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