(3.10) Test Runs Report

(3.10) Test Runs Report

Int4 Test Runs Report allows the user to browse reports of all test runs executed, with additional filtering and ability to look into test execution details.

Starting Test Runs Report

Start by logging into Your SAP Fiori cockpit. Depending on Your user authorization, You will see a screen with sets of Fiori tiles. Find the one related to Test Runs report and click it.

Test Runs Fiori tile

Test Runs report usage

The report allows You to browse all test runs executed with the tool in Your system. Once open, it shows a list of the test runs in no particular order and provides a filter feature to narrow down Your selection.

Test Runs report fields

  • Test Run status - green or red flag representing successful and failed Test Runs accordingly. Test Run is passed only if all Test Cases within passed the test.

  • Test Run name - user defined name for the Test Run

  • Test Type - user-defined type of test run from a configurable list

  • Statistics - test run statistics, graphical representation, showing passed, failed and total Test Cases in the Test Run

  • Start Date / Start Time / Started By User - execution metadata

Each Test Run line can be clicked, taking the user to Test Run execution report.

Test Runs filtering

All filter fields correspond to specific data columns in the Test Run list. Fill in the selection criteria as necessary and click “Go” to get their results. Searching by Test Run description and Automation Object name allows for partial matches.

Filter section of the Test Runs report

Rerunning and revalidating test cases

Test Runs report allows to rerun and revalidate existing run. To use this functionality select at least one Test Run and click on the icon above the Test Runs list.

  • Rerun - starts a new test run with the same set of test cases and parameters as the original one

  • Revalidate - starts a new test run reusing execution information from the original run. Only validation part of the Test Run is executed. In case of test types involving integration platforms messages are NOT resent. Messages and variables from original Test Run are used during validation.

Exporting Test Runs to a file

Test Runs report data can be exported to an OpenXML SpreadSheet file for further reporting or analysis. To export the data, click on the “Export to spreadsheet” icon above the Test Runs list.

Depending on the number of elements, the export might take some time. Progress window will be displayed and updated accordingly as the report is prepared.

Once the file is ready, the browser will download it and make it available. The file can be opened with any tool supporting the OpenXML Document format.



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