(3.10) Test Case Analysis Report

(3.10) Test Case Analysis Report

Int4 Test Case Analysis Report is a powerful tool that empowers users to comprehensively analyze their current test cases by extracting dimension values. This feature enables the organization of dimensions into hierarchies, offering valuable insights into both test data and coverage.

The Test Case Analysis Report facilitates the extraction of dimension values from your existing test cases. This process allows you to delve deeper into the details of your test scenarios, helping you gain a better understanding of the various factors that influence your testing efforts.

Starting Test Case Analysis Report

Start by logging into Your SAP Fiori cockpit. Depending on Your user authorization, You will see a screen with sets of Fiori tiles. Find the one related to Test Case Analysis and click it.

Test Case Analysis report usage

The report allows You to browse existing analyses and review their results and create new ones.

Creating new analysis

Click ‘Create’ button on the toolbar

Enter Analysis short name and description

Add folders with test cases to be analyzed

Create analysis dimensions by specifying expressions for value extraction. Order of dimensions is important as it creates hierarchical breakdown.

Executing analysis

To perform value extraction click ‘Execute Analysis’ button in Analysis details screen. Extraction is executed in background job and the duration depends on number of test cases to be analyzed.

Status of the extraction run can be observed from the main screen of the report.

Displaying results

Results of Analyses with status F (Finished) can be viewed from details screen by clicking on the ‘Results’ button.

Results screen is divided into two sections:

  • hierarchical table

  • bar chart

After selecting table row bar chart is updated with breakdown of selected dimension.

Organizing Test Cases based on results

Test case analysis results can be used to organize test cases into folders in Int4 Suite Cockpit.

Click on the ‘Manage Structure’ button the the Results screen to enable the additional functions:

Select rows from Results table based on the dimension values.

Select one of the options:

‘Move Structure’ to re-assign test cases having selected dimension values into new folder structure

‘Copy Structure’ to create copies of test cases having selected dimension values and move them into new folder structure

Select Target Folder


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