(3.10) Test Case Creation and Maintenance
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Test case creation in Int4 APITester Cockpit
Use the “+” Icon to start entering test case data
Please note that some data fields provide “Search Help” that is context driven and enables easier selection and search. It is represented by two squares icon at the right of the entry field.
Basic test case fields
Test Case - this a unique reference ID of the test case, starts with a temporary value
Description - free form human readable description of the test case
Scenario - scenario (folder) ID
Interface type - test type for the specific interface
Document number - reference document number or control data for script execution
Automation Object - reference to the Automation Object to be used for test execution
Parent test case - allows pointing to a parent test case for complex scenario execution
Environment - the environment on which the test case will be executed
Origin - the environment that serves as the data source for the test case reference data and Payload
For convenience, the Environment might not be specified. In such a case, the Environment definition from the scenario definition will be used.
Recommended way of providing test case settings and data
Start with Interface type to define the test execution technology and logic
Provide the Automation Object - use search help, if the actual name is not known
Provide test case description. If the automation object is already selected, You will get hints about using the Automation Object variables in the test name. This allows to capture values from the tested document in the test name during creation.
Check the Origin - to ensure further selection help is accurate
Provide the document number using manual entry, or use search help to activate Message Selector
Press “Save” on the top of the screen to create test cases and capture test case data
Using Message Selector
If the test case fields are properly populated, it is possible to use Message Selector by clicking the search help button in the Document Number field. Clicking it will open a new window.
Message Selector screen sections
These are the basic fields on the selection screen. Provide the landscape for test case payloads, and date/time range to search for the messages.
These are the interface details, to further narrow down the selection criteria, if the definition coming from selected Automation Object is not specific enough.
Variables and other parameters
Depending on the platform configuration and Variable definition in the Automation Object, Message Selector might provide additional selection fields that allow for filtering messages for certain header or Payload data.
Message List
Once the selection criteria are specified, click “Search” to search for available messages.
The list of matching messages will appear. It is possible to preview the message content by clicking the preview button on the right.
Message Selector allows to select one or more messages to be used for test case creation, by clicking the checkbox on the left of the message. All the selected messages will come to APITester cockpit as test cases.
Once all needed messages are selected, click “OK” to progress and move the selected messages to APITester Cockpit.
For all selected messages, APITester Cockpit will create a test case line, copying in Test Case definition data and placing the selected Document Numbers in the lines. At this stage, the test cases are not ready yet.
Saving test cases and capturing reference data
To complete test case creation, click “Save” on the top of the screen.
Pressing save will trigger capturing of message payload to Int4 Suite and complete creation of test cases.
Description of test cases is updated to replace the Variable definition in brackets with the actual data captured from the messages. Test cases are saved and ready for execution.
Test Case Maintenance
Clicking on the arrow icon on the right of the line will open the Test Case details screen.
Test Case maintenance screen
Test Case maintenance screen sections
General information - basic information about the test case
Variables - list of user-maintained Variables from the Automation Object and their values
Payloads - list of payloads captured in this test case
Versions - list of test case versions
Test runs - list of test runs where this test case was used
Options available on the Test Case maintenance screen:
Switch to Edit mode to make changes to Test Case data and payloads
Delete test case
Copy test case
Execute test case
Test Case Edit mode
In the Edit mode, the following values can be maintained
Variable definition
For User-maintained values in the test case, the container value for this value can be provided, to control the test execution
Payload data
Payload data, if it is editable, can be edited by clicking on the line. You can also download payloads using download icon. The same applies for the Headers. Payload editor window is a place where the content can be changed. It is also possible to upload the payload from file using upload icon.
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