(3.10) RFC Check

(3.10) RFC Check

RFC Check is a test that will verify RFC Destinations. It can perform validation of the connectivity, authorizations, logon data and properties like host, port etc.

Top of the screen with Automation Object (AO) ID, description and test type.



Basic Information



Parameter name



Execution system line

System line where the RFC Checks will be performed. Used during execution to determine system based on system line / landscape combination.


Actual RFC Connection to be tested is stored in Test Case an Document Number.


Execution Settings

Parameter name



Debug Log

Int4 Suite will provide additional, more technical information in Test Execution Report during the running of the test cases if this parameter is set. Therefore, it is recommended to set this option initially and deactivate it when object definition is confirmed after executing the first test cases


Display wait popup before validation

Wait Flag indicating if Int4 Suite should stop test case execution after sending test case message to middleware. Int4 Suite will show the confirmation box, and the user will decide to continue. This setting can execute manual follow-up actions before running the next test case or checking the validations.

This setup works only with Execute via SAP GUI option of execution


Delay between execution and validation

Parameter name



For each test case

Delay (in seconds) between test case execution ( sending message) and checking the results.


Once per test run

Delay (in seconds) between test run execution ( sending messages) and checking the results.



Parameter name



RFC Connection Test


This flag needs to be checked in the case of connectivity tests.

By default only RFC existence check is execute. With this flag connection is also verified.


RFC Authorization Test


This flag needs to be checked in the case of logon data tests.


Validate RFC Properties


This flag needs to be checked in the case of RFC properties tests. When selected RFC data is stored in test case during save. It is possible to use wildcard '*' to skip validation of certain properties.


HTTP Operation for connection test


Used in connection tests for destinations type G or H to change default http method (GET)


Expected HTTP Return Code


Used in connection tests for destinations type G or H to validate expected HTTP response code



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