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Service Virtualization Scenarios

Service Virtualization Scenarios bind the Service Virtualization Objects to a specific landscape and enable the virtualization runtime for the pair. At the level of Service Virtualization Scenario, one can define whether it’s enabled or not, and further, whether the responses should be automatic or require user intervention.

Starting Service Virtualization Scenarios

Start by logging into Your SAP Fiori cockpit. Depending on Your user authorization, You will see a screen with sets of Fiori tiles. Find the one related to Service Virtualization Scenarios and click it.

Service Virtualization Objects elements

Once started Manage Virtualization Scenarios cockpit present list of Virtualization Scenarios created.




Virtualization Object

Virtualization Object ID and Description for the Virtualization Object used in the Virtualization Scenario

Allows navigation to Virtualization Objects

Read more about Virtualization Objects Service Virtualization Objects


Type of Virtualization selected in Virtualization Object


Landscape where virtualization in on. For Example DEV, TEST, SANDBOX


Triggering Automation Object selected in Virtualization Object

Read more about Automation Object Automation Objects


Response Automation Object selected in Virtualization Object

Read more about Automation Object Automation Objects


Switch on and off Virtualization

Automatic Response

Flag that indicates if the response message should be sent automatically or wait for user intervention.


Number of messages:

a) Inject Type - number of collected historic messages

b) Asynchronous - number of trigger messages found

Allows navigation to the list of messages


Number of response messages created:

a) History Based - number of collected historic messages

b) Configuration Based - number of responses converted via mapping

Allows navigation to the list of messages

Response sent

Number of virtualized messages triggered for Virtualization Scenario

Allows navigation to the list of messages


Graphical representation of the totals in columns Messages, Converted, Reponse sent

Service Virtualization Objects create

Service Virtualization scenario can be added by clicking Add button. Delete button is used to delete Virtualization Scenario.

Virtualization Object and Landscape where Virtualization Scenario should be executed needs to be provided.

Virtualization Scenario is created.

Service Virtualization Objects run

Enable switch will switch on Virtualization Scenario:

  1. Inject - collection of messages will start

  2. Asynchronous

    1. History Based - collection of messages will start. Listening for the triggering messages will start. Matching triggering messages with collected responses will start.

    2. Configuration Based - Listening for the triggering messages will start. Converting triggering messages to reponses via mapping will start.

  3. Synchronous - HTTP endpoint is exposed. This endpoint can be called to get synchronously the response configured in Virtualization Object. Endpoint is scenario specific and can be found on details screen, for example:

    This endpoint is exposed on a system where Int4 Messenger is installed, so it may require Cloud Connector setup to be reachable from Cloud Integration.

Automatic Response switch will trigger automatic responding for Asynchronous Virtualization Scenarios. If switched off, sending response will require manual user intervention.

Messages view

Messages, Converted and Response sent links, point to the Message lists.

Inject Message view



Content Search

Allows Content based search on the collected messages

Purchase Order Number

Dynamic fields define as a Variables in the Automation Object. For example Purchase Order Number


Inject selected messages to the environment on which virtualization is working

Export to API Tester

Export message as a test case to Int4 APITester


Message ID, allows navigation to message payload. Payload can be edited.


Status of the message, it’s either NEW or SENT. Resending already sent messages is allowed.


Asynchronous Message view



Content Search

Allows Content based search on the collected messages


Dynamic fields define as a Variables in the Automation Object. For example PO

Send Response

Inject selected response messages to the environment on which virtualization is working

Export to API Tester

Export response message as a test case to Int4 APITester

Trigger Message

Message ID of the triggering message, allows navigation to message payload.


Test case ID that contains response message. Allows navigation to the message payload. Payload can be edited


Status of the message, it’s either NEW, CONV or SENT. Resending already sent messages is allowed.


Synchronous Message view



Content Search

Allows Content based search on the collected messages


Test Case ID of the triggering message, allows navigation to message payload.


Test case ID that contains response message. Allows navigation to the message payload. Payload can be edited


Status of the message, it’s either NEW, CONV or SENT.

Export to API Tester

Export response message as a test case to Int4 APITester



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