(3.10) PI Synchronous

(3.10) PI Synchronous


PI Synchronous interface type is responsible for testing synchronous scenarios. In such cases, test validation is based on a receiver system response message and optionally on the documents created in SAP Backend.
Please note that the receiver system will not be virtualized. The connection must be working. The test validation will be performed based on the response from the receiver (after mapping in SAP PI/PO).
The optional validation of the SAP Backend document looks the same as test type PI GUID Inbound.


PI GUID Inbound - Creates a test case based on SAP PI/PO message GUID number

PI GUID Inbound - Creates a test case based on SAP PI/PO message GUID number

  1. Select "PI E2E Synchronous" for the Interface Type field.

  1. Select Document Number field and enter message GUID of processed SAP PI/PO message or press (F4). int4 IFTT Message Selector screen will open (read int4 IFTT Message Selector new )


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