(3.10) SAP PI/PO

(3.10) SAP PI/PO

This section covers steps for a test case creation of all available PI/PO interface types. It also describes Int4 IFTT Message Selector - a tool for speeding up the process of test case creation. You can use Message Selector directly from Int4 IFTT Cockpit to fetch proper messages instead of logging into the SAP PI/PO system and search for an appropriate message there.
There are the following test types for SAP Process Integration / Orchestration testing:

SAP PI/PO Unit Test - This type focuses on asynchronous interfaces. The test case itself contains a reference to input and reference output(s). Int4 IFTT injects input message(s) into the SAP PO system, and the new output(s) are collected during the test case execution. In the IFTT, the reference message(s), including the receiver, IF name, and payloads, is compared with the newly created message(s). It is possible to block sending the test messages to the receiver systems.

SAP PI/PO Synchronous - This type is for synchronous scenarios. The test case contains the input request message and the final response (after mapping). During the test case execution, Int4 IFTT injects input message(s) into the SAP PO system. SAP PO executes the interface logic and calls the receiver system. ( The receiver system cannot be virtualized ). The test case result is built based on the new response message after mapping, compared with the reference one.

SAP PI/PO E2E GUID[IDOC] Inbound - it is an end-to-end test case that will validate document creation in SAP Backend. From time to time, it can be used with purely SAP PI/PO testing, for example, for the EDI splitter. This test type only injects the input message to SAP PI/PO and, by default, does not make any validation. There are two variants of this test type: GUID and IDOC. Depending on it, the TC is created based on GUID or final IDoc number (Based on IDoc number, the GUID is identified)

SAP PI/PO E2E Manual Inbound - as above, but the input payload is entered in the editor instead of an already processed message.

SAP PI/PO E2E Outbound - It is also an end-to-end test case. Test Case data contains only the output message after processing. Test case execution doesn’t trigger the input message to the SAP PI/PO. However, it searches, based on variables and message content, if a proper output message was triggered. In the case of SAP PI/PO testing, it is used when one ICO calls another. Again a good example is the EDI splitter.

More information about different test case types you can find here: https://int4support.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IUM/pages/264384


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