(3.10) SolMan

(3.10) SolMan

General information

Implementing class/INT4/IFTT_CM_SOLMAN
XSLT1RequestGuid.xslt Incident Guid request
XSLT2RequestSystemGuid.xsltSystem Guid Request
XSLT3ProcessIncident.xsltRequest creating incident
XSLT4ReadCompleteIncident.xsltRequest reading incident status
XSLT5CloseIncident.xsltRequest closing incident
XSLT6AddInfo.xsltRequest adding infos (texts and urls) to incident


To enable integration between IFTT and SolMan, you need to activate ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API.

All necessary steps are described in links:

  1. https://blogs.sap.com/2015/03/11/how-to-create-incident-in-solution-manager-71-from-the-soapui-or-any-other-external-application/
  2. https://blogs.sap.com/2013/03/09/activating-ictservicedeskapi-in-71/

Go to transaction SPRO and go to SAP Solution Manager → Capabilities (Optional) → IT Service Management → External Integration → External Service Desk → Web Service - based Configuration:

  1. Create the technical user that will be used to call the web service and assign the following roles:
  2. Activate service ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API in the transaction SICF
  3. Configure the service provider for the service ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API in SOAMANAGER
  4. Configure Service Consumer. If the application has the SOAP API, provide the WSDL

Add a new entry in table ICT_SYSCONF via tcode ICTCONF:

  • Logical port - port you defined in step 4 of activating ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API
  • Name - type any name you like

The next step is to define value mapping:

Fill entries as provided on the screenshot:

External Service Desk ID is the GUID from ICT_SYSCONF.

XSLT Configuration

To send valid requests to SolMan ICT_SERVICEDESK_API, you need to configure XSLTs in transaction /INT4/IFTT_IMG → Run Configuration wizard → Maintain Change Management Integration. Add a new record:

You need to upload proper XSLTs to matching fields.

The great advantage is that the user is enabled to modify information passed to SolMan by changing XSLTs.

XSLT1RequestGuid.xslt No configuration
XSLT2RequestSystemGuid.xsltNo configuration
  1. Insert generated Guid from  ICT_SYSCONF into <RequesterGuid> field
  2. Insert number of reporter in SolMan into <ReporterId> 
  3. Insert short description into <ShortDescription> (max 40. signs) - you can use function 'substring', ex. substring(TEST_RESULTS/_-INT4_-IFTT_ST_TC_RES[1]/DESCR,1,40)
  4. Insert incident priority in <Priority>
  5. Inser language in <Language>
  6. Insert requested begin and end of incident  in <RequestedBegin> and <RequestedEnd> in format YYYYMMDD
  7. Inser value into <IctId>
  8. Insert <PersonId> from <ReporterId>
  9. <PersonIdExt> may remain 'dumy'
  10. Insert <FirstName> and <LastName>
  11. Insert <Email> of IctPerson. It is essential that <IctPersons> exists in the query. Otherwise, webservice throws an error
  12. Insert 'SU99' into <TestType>
  13. Under <Texts> → <item> insert any description you want. You can use fields provided in structure /int4/iftt_st_tc_res.

Remember, that <IctPerson> has to exists and all fields <PersonId> and <Langauage> have to contain the same values.

XSLT4ReadCompleteIncident.xsltNECESSARY: Insert  generated Guid from  ICT_SYSCONF into <SystemGuid> field

NECESSARY: Insert generated Guid from  ICT_SYSCONF into <RequesterGuid> field

Regarding the rest of the fields - refer to the XSLT3 description


NECESSARY: Insert generated Guid from  ICT_SYSCONF into <RequesterGuid> field

Regarding the rest of the fields - refer to the XSLT3 description


When you go to SolMan to the specific incident:

  • In Description you will see what was typed in <ShortDescription> in ProcessIncident.xslt.
  • Reported by is assigned to <PersonId> in ProcessIncident.xslt
  • Priority is <Priority> in ProcessIncident.xslt

In text section you will see Information typed in <Texts> → <item> in ProcessIncident.xslt when incident is created, in AddInfo.xslt when incident is updated:

  • SOL_EXT_SERV is a technical user defined earlier
  • 0000000141 is <PersonId> from the request

In the Attachments section, you will see URLs linked to test case report in IFTT:

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