(3.10) Global Parameters List
Global parameters are relevant for all objects and test cases.
'X in' 'Landscape' column indicates parameters that are landscape specific. If multiple landscapes should be maintained, this column must contain a landscape name.
Landscape | Parameter name | Technical name | Description | Example | Created using |
Date of which GUID in IDOC control record is in PO7.5 format | GUID_7.5 | Used only by test case type 'PI inbound IDOC' - where test cases are created based on IDOC number. IDoc's ARCKEY field contains GUID. GUID is stored differently by SAP PO 7.5 and older SAP PI/PO releases. | 20180101 | ||
X | SAP PI/PO Destination | HTTP_DEST | HTTP destination to PI/PO system | PI_IFTT | X |
Name of technical IFTT communication channel | PICHNL | PICHNLPI/PO Channel name used by Int4 IFTT to simulate inbound messages coming from 3rd party systems | CC_SND_SOAP | ||
Business Component where technical IFTT channel is | PICOMP | PI/PO Business Component name used for Int4 IFTT scenarios | BC_IFTT | ||
Default version after mapping | PIMSGVERMA | After mapping version of the message to be fetched from PI persistence. This value should be set to -1 by default, which means the most recent message in SAP PI persistence. | Depending on the SAP PI version can be either: numeric: -1 | ||
Enable searching messages in PI Archive | PI_ARCHIVE | Messages will be read from PI Archive only when this global parameter is set. | X | ||
Number of attempts to read TC results | TCRETRYNUM | In case a new document is not found, IFTT is trying to reread it. This situation can happen, e.g., in an asynchronous interface that was not processed yet. This parameter defines the maximum number of attempts IFTT will take to find the document. After that test case is marked as failed. This parameter can also be set per test case in the configuration object as an additional parameter. | 10 | ||
Delay between attempts to read TC results | TCRETRYDEL | Delay value declared in seconds. If the Number of attempts to read TC results is configured, this parameter controls the delay between subsequent attempts. | 5 | ||
| SAP PI: Don’t try the next attempt if the message status is not final | PIWAITSTAT | Get the test results just after finding the message after mapping, without waiting till the final processing | X |
BSP Application for reports | REPORT_BSP | BSP Application used as HTML template for test results report. IFTT is delivered with pre-configured templates in application /int4/iftt_rep. This can be copied and adjusted e.g. to apply corporate branding. | /int4/iftt_rep | X | |
X | RFC_DB_RES | RFC Function module is used to read tables for document comparison. If the parameter is not filled, standard module /INT4/IFTT_F_COLLECT_RESLT_RFC delivered with IFTT is used. This module can be copied to the customer namespace and enhanced, e.g., with additional authorization checks. This parameter is also used to test remote systems when only remote function is deployed to the tested system. | /INT4/IFTT_F_COLLECT_RESLT_RFC | ||
X | RFC_MSGOUT | RFC Function module on tested backend systems used for triggering outputs from business documents (like repeating the message output in message control) | /INT4/IFTT_F_TRIGGER_MSG |
| |
Delay while adding new modules | FLAT_WAIT | Adapter modules are copied from the Communication Channel defined in the Additional Parameters of a specific Object Definition to the generic Flat File Destination Channel declared in this table. This value, stated in seconds, sets the time of delay between adding each module. | 15 | ||
| FF_DST_BC | Flat File Destination Business Component of the generic Flat File Destination Channel | BC_ IFTT | ||
| Flat File Destination Party Name | FF_DST_PT | Flat File Destination Party Name of the generic Flat File Destination Channel | ||
| Flat File Destination Channel Name | FF_DST_CHN | Flat File Destination Channel Name - generic Flat File Destination Channel to which Adapter Modules are copied from CC defined in Additional Parameters of a specific Object Definition | CC_SND_SOAPIFTT | |
Test Report - Custom CSS Style sheet | REPORT_CSS | A custom CSS Style Sheet can be provided to adjust and personalize Int4 IFTTs visual experience | /sap/bc/bsp/sap/ztest_custom_theme/custom.css | ||
Disable Client Role Check | NO_CLT_CHK | Disable Client Role Check | X | ||
Threshold for searching outbound messages (sec) | SRCH_TRS_O | If the parameter is not filled, IFTT searches for outbound messages (PI or IDOC) starting from time equal to the beginning of the test run. This parameter extends the range by the value provided in seconds, e.g., if the test run was started at 07:34:00 and the parameter value is set to 10, IFTT will search for messages from 07:33:50. | 10 | ||
Direct PI API | DIR_PI_API | When selected, no Int4 IFTT PI objects (apart from those required for synchronous communication testing) need to be deployed. When selected, logical ports for PI API web services proxy need to be maintained. This setting can be done automatically through t-code | X | X | |
| bgRFC Destination | BGRFC_DEST | Inbound bgRFC destination used for asynchronous test case execution ( called by API). The inbound destination has to be created first in SBGRFCCONF ( Define Inbound Dest. tab). If this parameter is not maintained, asynchronous execution is done with background jobs. |
X | SAP CPI - Management destination | SCI_DEST | RFC destination (External HTTP) pointing to the address of the tenant management node on SAP CPI. Used for accessing CPI OData API. | HCI | |
X | SAP CPI - Runtime destination | SCI_DESTR | RFC destination (External HTTP) pointing to the address of the runtime URL on SAP CPI. Used for calling IFlows tested with IFTT. | HCI_IFL | |
X | SAP CPI - Management - Token destination | SCI_DESTT | RFC destination (External HTTP) pointing to the OAuth token address on SAP CPI.
Used for OAuth authentication. |
X | SAP CPI - Asynchronous mode of Dispatcher | SCI_ASNC_D | Asynchronous mode of IFTT Dispatcher. Enabling this mode improves performance of CPI test runs. | X |
X | SAP CPI - Message Search using Custom Header Properties | SCI_CHP | Use custom header property ('Int4GUID') instead of ApplicationMessageId to identify messages sent to Dispatcher | X |
X | SAP CPI - Delay after trace activation [s] | SCI_TRACED | Delay after trace activation (seconds). In some tenants there is an delay between trace activation and propagation of this setting to runtime nodes. This parameter can be used to make sure trace setting is propagated before test execution. |
X | SAP CPI - Number of retries for trace activation | SCI_TRACEN | Number of times Int4 Suite tries to check if the trace is enabled before test execution. |
X | Proxy /INT4/CO_IFTT_ADAPTER_MSG_MONI port | PRX_P_AMM | Name of SOAMANAGER port. Customized by wizard | ||
X | Proxy /INT4/CO_IFTT_CHANGE_LIST_IN port | PRX_P_CLI | Name of SOAMANAGER port. Customized by wizard | ||
X | Proxy /INT4/CO_IFTT_CHANNEL_ADMIN port | PRX_P_CHA | Name of SOAMANAGER port. Customized by wizard | ||
X | Proxy /INT4/CO_IFTT_COMM_CHANNEL_IN port | PRX_P_CCI | Name of SOAMANAGER port. Customized by wizard | ||
X | Proxy /INT4/CO_IFTT_SI_O_GENERIC_SY1 port | PRX_P_GSC | Name of SOAMANAGER port. Customized by wizard | ||
XML pattern to identify XML document | IS_XMLDOC | Technically all message payloads processed in SAP PI contain content-type: text/XML in their header. So there is no easy way to identify if the content is XML or flat file (text format). For that purpose, the payload is searched if it contains the XML starting tag, which begins with "<?xml ". But from time to time, some interfaces might not have this tag even if the content is XML. Then it is possible to use this parameter and propose some own value that will identify those XML payloads in another way, like, for instance, using a sequence "/>". The reason for it is that all XML files contain the node closing tag, and such a sequence will not occur in text files. | </ | ||
Maximum payload size to be stored in result (Bytes) | MAX_PAYSIZ | This parameter defines the maximum size of a message to be compared and fully presented in the results. If the message is more significant than this value, IFTT will show only rows with differences. | 512000 | ||
Maximum number of differences for big payloads | MAX_DIFF | Connected with the previous parameter. For big payload messages, only a given number of differences are presented in the results. | 20 | ||
Landscape: ignore missing system line | LND_CONVERT | Test cases might be exchanged between environments (ex. DEV, TEST, etc.). If system names are the same in Dev, Test, QA, PRD, etc., using the LND_CONVERT parameter, converting business systems/components in the different environment is not required. The error about missing entries in the landscape conversion table will not be populated. | |||
SAP PI ABAP Stack message version after mapping | PIABAVERMA | In the case of reading messages from ABAP stack PI, it is mandatory to configure this global parameter so that IFTT could extract the after-mapping message. | -2 | ||
X | Monitoring Message Overview Servlet - AE Component | PIMOCOMP | af.pd2.int4sappi | ||
X | Monitoring Message Overview Servlet - ABAP Stack Component | PIMOCOMPA | is.pd2.int4sappi | ||
| Use SAP PIT WS as message injector (SAP PO >7.5 SP14) | PIPITINJ | Enables the usage of SAP PIT Web Service as a message injector. Available only from SAP PI/PO versions greater than 7.5 SP 14. | X |
| Stop receiver processing in PI/PO unit test | PIPITSTOP | Prevents messages from being sent out from PI/PO to receivers (with SAP PIT, there is no need to stop channel receivers to prevent messages from being sent out).. | X |
| Activate logging of HTTP calls | LOG_HTTP | Display all the HTTP calls to the integration platforms (SAP PO & SAP CPI). Useful in SAP CPI troubleshooting. Note: works only if automation object or test run contains debug mode. | X |
X | Boomi HTTP Destination | BOOMIDEST | The mandatory parameter for Boomi testing. HTTP destination to Boomi Atom. This parameter is a runtime destination where test messages are injected during execution. It must be configured globally in case the Dispatcher is used or when single environment (atom) is tested, otherwise the HTTP destination should be configured on automation object level. | BOOMI_IFTT |
X | Boomi API Destination | BOOMIDESTA | The mandatory parameter for Boomi testing. HTTP destination to Boomi Platform. This parameter is the destination used for calling AtomSphere API. Only the host has to be entered in SM59 destination ( http://api.boomi.com ) | BOOMI_API |
X | Boomi Dispatcher Direct endpoint | BOOMIDIS | Optional parameter for Boomi testing. You can use Int4 IFTT Dispatcher for message injection into the corresponding interfaces. Only the URL Path needs to be provided. The Base URL is retrieved from the configured RFC Destination under BOOMIDEST global parameter. | /ws/simple/getDispatcher |
X | Boomi Account ID | BOOMIACCNT | The mandatory parameter for Boomi testing. Boomi Account ID - can be checked out on Boomi Platform ( Settings » Account Information ) |
| Description Pattern for Test Case Migration | MIGR_TC_DS | Pattern used for test case description when using ‘Migrate’ functionality. Following placeholders for values from source test case can be used:
| Migrated [SRC_ID] - [SRC_DESCR] ([SRC_IFTYPE]) |
| Advanced xpath processing | XPATH_ADV | Enables advanced XPath processing mode. Used in variables, payload validation ignore list configuration and test case analysis rules. Advanced XPath mode allows usage of expressions which do not return node sets. These expression can use XPath functions , XSLT functions and additional SAP-XSLT functions implemented in SAP XSLT Processor. |
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