(3.10) Int4 IFTT Generic Adapter Message Selector
During manual test case creation for the non-SAP Integration Platforms, you can either search for wanted messages on the monitoring of each Integration Platform. To simplify this process, you can use the Int4 IFTT Generic Adapter Message Selector.
Based on the search parameters you will provide, the message selector will look for messages in the Int4 IFTT message database. Remember that messages are being stored in Int4 IFTT Database only when the Payload Persistence is active.
Please find below step-by-step instructions on how to use the tool.
Firstly, go to Int4 IFTT Cockpit (transaction: /INT4/IFTT_COCKPIT) and create a new test case row. We fill in Test Case Description (optional), Interface Type, and Int4 IFTT Automation Object.
The Generic Message Selector is available for Interface Types Inbound and Outbound specific for each integration platform.You can launch the Message Selector either by hitting F4 or the search help button in the Document Number field. The Int4 IFTT Generic Adapter Message Selector opens on the current window.
As you can see in the screenshot above, the following search options are available:
Selection Parameters:
Environment - you can select any configured one, or it is taken from the current folder if specified
IFTT Automation Object - object relevant for the interface we want to test. It is prepopulated with the value used when adding a new test case row or can be selected here
Integration Platform - you can select any configured non-SAP Integration Platform. It will be prepopulated based on the Interface Type selected when adding a new test case row
From/To Date/Time – time frame when the messages were processed
Max. result - for performance reasons, there is a limitation on how many messages may be searched
Interface specific details:
Interface name - defined in Int4 IFTT Automation Object (auto-populated)
Interface namespace - defined in Int4 IFTT Automation Object (auto-populated)
Variable Search:
Dynamic Variable Search - based on the configured automation object, you can search for messages based on specific Variable Values.
When done, you can press F8 or the execute button to run the message search. On the next screen, you will get a search result list with additional details of the messages that match your select options.
On the last column, named Content, you can review the content of the payload by clicking the “display text icon” of the wanted row.
After choosing the proper messages for test case creation, select one or more rows and press the “Transfer selected” button.
Now we are back to the Int4 IFTT Test Cockpit. Depending on the number of the selected messages, the system will create the same number of test cases. Also, note that the test case Description will be adjusted: a serial number will be added as a suffix to the Description you populated before running the message selector.
Finally, Save the newly created test cases.
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