(3.10) Creating the configuration object for SAP PI/PO outbound interface
Aside from inbound interfaces and synchronous interfaces, Int4 IFTT supports the testing of outbound interfaces. The testing starts when a business document triggers the interface and continues until the final version of an XML message is ready to be sent out to the 3rd party receiver by the integration platform.
To not send test messages to the receiver system, the PI channel may be automatically turned off. That will result in the final XML message being stored in the integration platform without being sent. It doesn't affect the test results. If there are receiver channel adapter modules, check this section (3.10) Creating the configuration object for testing Adapter Modules.
The E2E outbound testing requires a sequence of test cases that consist of /wiki/spaces/IUM/pages/244699. Manual actions can be replicated during the test execution by (3.10) Creating SAP eCATT Recording.
Alternatively, the Int4 IFTT outbound testing might be a step in testing the business process by the external end-to-end testing software (like HP UFT, Tricentis Tosca, etc.). In such a case, the Int4 IFTT step will be called by API or API wrapper t-code.
Create a new object definition with description, name, and the namespace of the tested interface
The interface name and namespace should be checked on a sample message in SAP PI/PO monitoring.
In typical scenarios, if there is one receiver system, the interface in the message signature will contain the sender interface name and namespace.
Suppose there are multiple receivers or multiple messages (Mapping 1 to N). In that case, the message signature will contain the receiver interface name and namespace.You can use SAP PI/PO wizard to check your interface.
Add a variable and description (Object Variables Settings)
The variable is needed to receive the business document identifier (business document number) from the previous step or by API, to search the SAP PI/PO platform for the respective message to be verifiedIn Variable Processing, define actions and variable processors that will process each of the variables data:
Two actions are needed:
Action: 10 - Populate variable before execution
The variable processor would be:
a) READ_PREV (Read variable from a previous test case) for cases where the message triggering happens with previous Int4 IFTT step (for example, SAP eCATT or inbound test case). The processing parameter is a variable name of the prior test case.b) USER_DEF (Read user-defined value from the cockpit) for cases where the message is triggered by external software (like Tricentis Tosca), and the Int4 IFTT test case is called by API.
The second action allows finding the test message based on its content:
Action: 40 - Locate new message using variable value. The variable processor is XPATH, and the processing parameter contains XPATH expression to find the message.
An example:Define Additional Parameters (if needed)
Define (3.10) Payload Validation Ignore List. The messages may contain some values different than the reference message that would be a part of the test case (like current date & time etc.)
Please check an example in this article: (3.10) Outbound Flat File scenario with 'PI Outbound' interface testing.
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