(3.10) API by Remote Function Module (RFC)
Function module name: /INT4/IFTT_F_RUN_TESTS
Input parameters:
Name | Description |
IT_SCENARIOS_LIST | Input table with a list of scenarios to be executed. One or multiple values can be passed. The scenario ID is visible under each node in the testing cockpit. To see the particular ID go to edit mode, choose node, and select icon. Example: |
IT_TEST_CASES_LIST | Input table with a list of test cases to be executed. One or multiple values can be passed. The IT_SCENARIOS_LIST and IT_TEST_CASES_LIST are optional parameters, and only one should be provided (scenarios or test cases) |
IV_TEST_RUN_NAME | Name of the run that will be stored in IFTT persistence. |
IT_TEST_CONTAINER | A table with variable values that API can pass to Int4 IFTT test cases. The table structure:
For example, you can pass the purchase order number for the SAP PI/PO outbound test case using the container. |
IV_EXECUTION_LANDSCAPE | Optional parameter. It allows providing Landscape ID on which test cases will be executed. |
IV_TEST_RUN_TIME | Execution start time in the external tool (UTC). Used in the case when IFTT is part of the end-2-end process and execution is started in the external tool. IV_TEST_RUN_TIME, IV_TEST_RUN_DATE are used as baseline points for searching outbound messages. |
IV_MERGE_WITH_EXISTING_RUN | Parameter used to merge execution results with an existing test run. The test run has to be provided in the IV_TEST_RUN_NAME parameter. Setting this parameter allows grouping test executions triggered from external tools for reporting purposes. All merged results are visible in a single Int4 IFTT test report. |
IV_RUN_ASYNC | Optional parameter. It is used to execute test runs asynchronously. In the case of the asynchronous run, the function returns immediately without waiting for test run completion. EV_TEST_RUN_ID parameter can be used to check the status and results of the test run using RFC function /INT4/IFTT_F_GET_RESULT. |
Output parameters:
Name | Description |
EV_TEST_RUN_NAME | Name of the run that was stored in IFTT persistence. Example value: Test run 05.04.2018 10:58:48 |
EV_TEST_RUN_ID | Test Run ID |
EV_TC_TOTAL | The total number of selected test cases. Example value: 9 |
EV_TC_PASSED | The number of passed test cases: Example value: 6 |
EV_TC_FAILED | The number of failed test cases: Example value: 6 |
EV_REPORT_URL | URL to the regular IFTT report with all validations and details. |
ES_TEST_RUN_DETAILS | Table with status and additional information about individual test cases. The detailed structure is presented in the underlying table. |
EV_VARIABLES | Table with the Int4 IFTT variables after test cases execution. Structure:
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
SCNRID | Scenario ID (node) to which test case belongs |
SCNRDESCR | Scenario (Node) desription |
CASEID | Test case ID |
VERSION | Test case version that was executed |
DESCR | Test case description |
OBJDEFID | ID of configuration object |
OBJDESCR | Description of configuration object |
IFTYPE | Interface type |
IFTYPE_TEXT | Interface type description |
STATUS | Execution status. Values: S - success E - failed, error |
RFCDEST_REF | Name of RFC destination on which backend reference document exists |
RFCDEST | Name of RFC destination on which backend test document was created |
PARENT_CASEID | Parent Test case ID for test cases being part of a process |
LANDSCAPE_ID | Landscape ID |
LANDSCAPE_DESCR | Landscape description |
Function module name: /INT4/IFTT_F_GET_RESULT (used to read results of asynchronous run)
Input parameters:
Name | Description |
IV_RUN_ID | Test Run ID |
Output parameters:
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