(3.10) SAP PI/PO prerequisites for synchronous scenarios

(3.10) SAP PI/PO prerequisites for synchronous scenarios

The configuration object described below will allow creating test cases based on existing messages in PI persistence. It would also allow using PI Message Selector.

Make sure the PI interface staging & logging is set as below:

The BI Logging (not staging) must be activated to fetch the original input message with the correct sender interface in XI 3.0 Header. This stores the request source and response target messages.
There is no staging for synchronous messages. Whatever you configure will be ignored anyway.Or, this might be already settings of global persistence settings, as Int4 recommends itSAP PI/PO JAVA Stack Persistence.

Please note that in Message Monitoring, the messages are visible with the Inbound (Receiver) Interface name.
This is opposite to all asynchronous scenarios that staging MS leaves them with Outbound (Sender) Interface name.

Exemplary ICO of synchronous interface:

And the sample message in PI/PO monitoring:

The request message is presented with the "SI_I_CR_SALESORDER_SYNC" interface. The Interface name is the name of Receiver Interface (see above ICO screenshot).

In the object definition, we will add the proper sender interface (as per ICO):

We need to let Int4 Suite know that those messages appear in SAP PO monitoring differently, as in the above screenshot. This setting is done by additional parameters in the Message Selector Section:


Additionally, we must indicate that as a request message, we would like to fetch the BI version that logging we activated in ICO in step 1:


This setting is mandatory; otherwise, Int4 Suite will fetch the incorrect content from PI.

Create a first test case and test your object definition. The test case is created based on GUID of existing message.

More details about SAP PO behavior: https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2515359

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