Test Driven Development with Int4 Suite

Test Driven Development with Int4 Suite

Test Driven Development concept is all about bringing the testing early on in the development process. Essentially, it aims to increase development quality, by increasing the volume, scope and quality of test data used during the development, before the artifacts are moved to integration testing.

Int4 Suite enables this approach. If the migration process steps are followed, at this stage the test cases are created and ready to use for testing.

Developers can use the Int4 Suite migration cockpit to run the test cases against their developments already as they progress with developments and ensure a full test suite is run before the developments are released.

Test case execution

First, navigate to the ICO that is migrated. Then use the Run CPI Tests button to start test execution.

Test run will be created and started, based on the migrated Test Cases and Automation Object.

Int4 Suite takes care about changing the CPI logging and trace settings. Running the test does not require any additional interaction with the CPI environment.

Test case execution report

Clicking the Run CPI Tests button will prepare and start the Test Run. A new browser tab will open with test run details and progress information. The Test Run is stored in Int4 Suite and can be later on found using the Test Runs Report

Test Run execution report example

From this stage, we can observe test results and analyze them to understand reasons for failure.

Click on a test case to view execution details and comparison results for each single test case. Detailed analysis supports resolving issues and gives hints to developers on the next steps.

Test Case execution report example

Successful test execution might be a trigger to release developments for integration testing.

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