(3.10) Int4 Suite Solace PubSub+ Message Selector
These settings require administrative access to the Solace PubSub+ instance
Configuring connection from Solace PubSub+ to Int4 Suite
1. Create Technical Queue
Go into the Broker Manager and navigate to Queues section.
Create Technical Queue INT4SuiteTechPersistance that will be used by Int4 Suite.
As a owner of the queue set #rdp/<rdp_name>. Use REST Delivery Point created in (3.10) Int4 Suite Solace PubSub+ preparation | 5. Create Rest Delivery Point
2. Create Queue Binding
Go back to the Rest Delivery Point (Clients->REST->created RDP) and create Queue Binding using name of technical queue created in previous step.
As a Post Request Target put API Base Path from Integration Suite API exposed in step (3.10) Int4 Suite Solace PubSub+ preparation | 4. Expose service /sap/bc/int4/iftt/aem in Integration Suite
3. Create Request Headers
For created Queue Binding create Request Headers:
Header name: aem-topic
Header value: ${topic()}
Header name: aem-message-vpn
Header value: <name_of_your_message_vpn>
Header name: int4suite-environment
Header value: <name_of_your_psp_environment_in_int4suite>
Header name: int4suite-persist
Header value: X
Turning on message collection
In order to start storing messages for message selector in Int4Suite, Queue Subscriptions need to be created for queue INT4SuiteTechPersistance.
Please be aware that after configuring subscriptions for queue INT4SuiteTechPersistance, all of the messages coming to subscribed topics will be stored in Int4 Suite. Remember to delete created subscriptions after collecting needed messages.
Subscribe Queue to topics
Open Created Queue and go to Subscriptions tab.
Click on +Subscription button.
Add all topics you would like to collect messages from and confirm with button Create.
From this moment all messages coming to above topics will be stored in Int4 Suite and can be reused in Message Selector.
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