(3.10) Int4 Suite Solace PubSub+ preparation
These settings require administrative access to the Solace PubSub+ instance
Configuring connections from Int4 Suite to Solace PubSub+
1. Configuring API (Management) Connectivity
Finding endpoint and credentials
In Solace PubSub+ portal, find endpoint and credentials for SEMP API. It is located in Cluster manager, Manage tab, Other Management Tools and SEMP - REST API section.
Create RFC destination for API (Management) Endpoint:
Connection Type: G
Target host: copy host from Public/Private Internet field (without http:// prefix)
Path Prefix: copy path ‘/SEMP/v2’ from Public/Private Internet field ( without /config sufix )
Service no. (port): as in Public/Private Internet field
Basic authentication:
User: user id from SEMP Credentials section
Password: user password from SEMP Credentials section
SSL: Active
Maintain environment parameters for created destination in table /INT4/IFTT_PARAM
2. Configuring API (Messaging) Connectivity
Finding endpoint and credentials
In Solace PubSub+ portal, find endpoint and credentials for REST Messaging API. It is located in Cluster manager / Connect tab. Select view by Protocol and Connection details will be visible under Rest section.
Create RFC destination for API (Messaging) Endpoint:
Connection Type: G
Target host: copy host from Secured REST URI (without https:// prefix)
Path Prefix: empty
Service no. (port): as in Secured REST URI
Basic authentication:
User: user id from Connection Details
Password: user password from Connection Details
SSL: Active
There might be a different user created for messaging API. It can be found in Message VPN in Access Control tab
Maintain environment parameters for created destination in table /INT4/IFTT_PARAM
3. Activate SICF service /sap/bc/int4/iftt/aem
4. Expose service /sap/bc/int4/iftt/aem in Integration Suite
5. Create Rest Delivery Point
In Message VPN, Create a new REST Delivery Point. It can be found in Clients tab.
6. Create REST consumer
For Created REST Delivery Point create REST consumer. Use Host, Port and credentials as defined in Integration Suite for service /sap/bc/int4/iftt/aem.
HTTP method: POST
7. Create Technical Queue
Create Technical Queue that will be used by Int4 Suite.
Recommended name is: INT4SuiteTech.
As a owner of the queue set #rdp/<rdp_name>. Use REST Delivery Point created in previous steps.
Add Environment parameter SAP Adv. Event Mesh / Solace PubSub+ Technical Queue Name (AEM_TQUEUE) in table /INT4/IFTT_PARAM.
Parameter value should be equal to queue name created in this step. By default, this parameter is created with value INT4SuiteTech.
8. Create Queue Binding
Go back to created RDP (Clients->REST->created RDP) and create Queue Binding using name of technical queue created in previous step.
As a Post Request Target put API Base Path from Integration Suite:
Add Environment parameter SAP Adv. Event Mesh / Solace PubSub+ Post Request Target (AEM_PRT) in table /INT4/IFTT_PARAM.
Parameter value should be equal to API Base Path for service exposed in Integration Suite. By default, this parameter is created with value /int4/iftt/aem.
9. Create Request Headers
For created Queue Binding create Request Headers:
Header name: aem-topic
Header value: ${topic()}
Header name: ‘aem-message-vpn’
Header value: <name_of_your_message_vpn>
Header name: ‘int4suite-environment’
Header value: <name_of_your_psp_environment_in_int4suite>
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