Int4 IFTT allows binding test cases together to reflect whole business processes. The sequence can consist of an unlimited number of test cases using different interface types, linked through pre-case ID value.
When pre Case ID is used, an Object Variable can be defined to take the value from the predecessor case and use it in the current test case.
When we want to create a new, clean document to post a test case message against:
In this example case, the second step of the sequence is the manual action replicated through the eCATT recording. However, the second step could have also been, e.g., an outbound message.
Identify a document that is required for posting.
Create an eCATT recording that will create this document.
Create an object definition for the created document.
Create the eCATT test case.
Create a new inbound test case with reference to the eCATT test case. Add CaseID of the related test case in the pre-case ID field to reference two documents.
Execute both eCATT and inbound test cases.
When we want to create a document that will trigger an outbound message:
In this example case, the first step of the sequence is the manual action replicated through the ECATT recording. However, the first step could have also been, e.g., an inbound message.
Identify a document that is required for posting.
Create an eCATT recording that will create this document.
Create an object definition for the created document.
Create the eCATT test case .
Create a new outbound test case with reference to the eCATT test case. Add CaseID of the related test case in the pre-case ID field to reference two documents.
Since int4 IFTT version 2.8.3 sequence of test cases can be created also using ‘Create Child Test Case’ Wizard.
‘Create Child Test Case’ Wizard simplifies creation of additional test cases in he sequence by suggesting Automation Objects and test messages for subsequent steps.
Select first test case in the sequence
Click ‘+ Child TC’ button
Select test type and Automation Object.
Use Search Help dialog for Automation Object to display all objects having matching variables.
Click ‘Go to Message Selection’
Depending on selected test type integration platform specific Message Selector will be opened.
All parameters including variables based on previous test cases in the sequence are prefilled by the Wizard.
6. Select test messages click ‘Transfer’ button
Additional test cases added to the sequence with parent Case ID relation maintained.