(3.10) Int4 Suite Configuration
In order to get started with Int4 Suite usage for testing, the tool needs to be configured. The configuration contains information about the logical structure of the landscape under test and refers to technical connections, known in SAP as RFC. All of the setting are described in this page of the manual
Starting Int4 Suite Configuration
To start Int4 Suite Configuration please login to Your Fiori Launchpad and select the relevant tile.
A screen similar to this one will appear.
General navigation
The configuration section follows a specific navigation scheme, similar to SAP GUI based transactions. All the configuration sections are formed as lists with navigation.
Main screen navigation
For the main screen, these are the available options:
Tree navigation - folding the tree
Tree navigation - unfolding the tree
Start activity - runs the configuration activity in the selected row
Documentation - brief documentation about the activity
Configuration screen navigation
Once an activity is selected and started, a screen similar to this will appear
Parent/Child navigation section - this section is optional. It allows to define objects on various levels. To change edition level, first choose a line on the right and then change the level.
Main edits - this contains the editable portion of the screen. Squares on the left of each line allow for selecting the lines. The other columns allow edits. If a column is grayed out, it represents a key column. Such column can’t be changed. The only option is to delete a line and create a new one.
Save button - saves the edits
Exit button - closes the edit screen and takes user back to the configurations list
Change/Display mode switch - the edit screens can be either in edit or display mode. This button enables switching between these modes
New Entries - this button switches the screen to another mode, where new items can be added
Delete - deletes the selected entries
Please note that the configuration entries can be used in various places of the application. Deletion of used entries (e.g. landscapes or system lines) can create issues. Instead of deletion, it is recommended to mark items as obsolete, either by flag or in the description.
Define System Lines activity
In this screen it is possible to define system lines. See (3.10) Int4 Suite Internal Organization section of the manual for the definition and explanation of how system lines work.
Syst. Line - free form alphanumerical technical key of the system line
System Description - free form text description
Define Environments activity
In this screen it is possible to define environments. See (3.10) Int4 Suite Internal Organization section of the manual for the definition and explanation of how environments work.
Env - free form alphanumerical technical key of the environment
Environment description - free form text description
PI/PO - mark if there is a SAP PI / PO integration system in the environment
CPI - mark if there is a SAP IS / CPI integration solution in the environment
webMethods - mark if there is a webMethods integration solution in the environment
Boomi - mark if there is a Boomi integration solution in the environment
Production - mark for production environments
Obsolete - mark an environment that is obsolete and no longer planned to be used
Marking environments as production is critical for correct operation of the Int4 Solution. Int4 introduces additional checks when operating with production environments, to avoid sending messages to non-test environments.
Marking an environment as obsolete is preferred over deletion of environments.
Assign System Lines to Environments activity
This activity starts with Environment selection screen
Please select the environment and click the Green Checkbox icon to proceed.
System Line - the system line assigned to the Environment
System Description - automatically copied from System Line definition
Def. ABAP - one ABAP backend might be the leading one, which means that the backend test types like IDoc, Proxy, AIF will try to create test cases on it when the Int4 Automation Object definition is not specified, mark this checkbox for such a system
SLD Business System name - system instance name (SLD Business System or SAP PO Communication Component name)
RFC Destination - If this is SAP ABAP Backend and is required to perform end-to-end validations on the database level, specify the RFC destination.
Maintain Exclusion System List activity
There are circumstances where an interface has multiple receivers, such as a QA environment and only one in DEV. In such a case, we need to add this exclusion system rule. It is still necessary to run the test case correctly, disregarding the absence of the particular receiver system.
A list of Business systems that exist in a particular landscape but doesn't exist in others can be completed in the Exclusion Systems List. This adjustment will eliminate the problem with the different number of receivers for particular interfaces in multiple landscapes like Development, Testing, Quality, Pre-prod, and others.
Environment - selected environment for exclusion rule
SLD Business System name - specific system to be excluded
Configure Environment Parameters activity
This activity starts with Environment selection screen
Please select the environment and click the Green Checkbox icon to proceed.
This configuration drives specific aspects of Int4 Suite behaviour for various testing scenarios.
There is a number of parameters that can be controlled. Their list and specific behaviour is described in the (3.10) Global Parameters List.
Configure Global Parameters activity
This activity is similar to Environment Parameters. It allows a cross environment view on the parameters and also to setup Global Parameters, not defined on the environment level. Parameter list and specific behaviour is described in the (3.10) Global Parameters List.
Configure Dynamic Column Sets activity
Dynamic column sets can be used to enrich the view presented by Int4 Suite Message Selector, when searching for messages in the integration platform.
Dynamic Column Sets view
Col Set - free alphanumerical identification of the Column Set (to be used in Automation Object definition)
Description - free form text description
Columns view
Field Name - up to four custom fields are available. They must be named
Source field - this sets the source field for the column data. Possible values are:
SERVICE_NAME - the name of webMethods service, as provided by the webMethods interoperation layer
any AO variable name - if the Message Selector is run in a context of Automation Object, Int4 Suite will use the Automation Object variable definition to load the data item from the message
any webMethods specific data field - depending on customer specific implementation of the webMethods interoperation layer
Short, Medium and Long field labels - use this fields to provide a meaningful name for the column displayed. Various length options are available. The user interface will pick appropriate description, if provided, based on the actual column width
SAP PI/PO - Maintain interface name mapping activity
Use this table to maintain interface name mapping for Int4 Suite SAP PI/PO validation. The source and target columns are self-explanatory.
SAP PI/PO - Maintain communication party mapping activity
Similarly to interface name mapping, this table allows definition of the communication party name for specific environments, if they are different. When PI/PO test cases are executed, the Communication Party in message header is replaced according to the data in the table.
Boomi - Maintain Atom to Landscape assignment activity
Boomi works based on the so-called Atom concept, where Atoms represent specific integration servers, dedicated to customer landscape.
Use this assignment to map Atom Name to specific Environment. It is possible to have multiple Atoms in a single Environment.
Define Mapping Objects activity
Mapping Objects allow for value mapping between environments. They can be used in multiple places in Int4 Suite, with common use-cases being
Different logical ports or system names between Environments
Master data differences between Environments
Mapping Objects define how a set of values from a specific environment should map to values in another environment for data and metadata validation purposes.
Use '*' wildcard in the source column to configure default mapping. It is used when specific match is not found.
Maintain table replacement configuration activity
This configuration is used for further enhancing Database Validation capability. (3.10) DB Validation Rulesets enable configuration of a specific table structure for backend validation. In certain scenarios, database table name changes between systems, while field names remain the same. This configuration allows to map to new table names on specific environments and/or RFC destinations.
Table name - source table name
Environment - replacement applicable for specified Environment
RFC Destination - replacement applicable for specified RFC Destination
Table name - target table name in the specified Environment and/or RFC Destination
Next steps
Following the configuration describe above, execute the Int4 Suite Configuration Wizard to complete the configuration, as described in the (3.10) Configuration Wizard section.
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