(v1) Connect tested systems
This section describes the connectivity settings for the available types of platforms under test. Please use the navigation section to check the details on how to setup connections for specific services.
Int4 Suite Cloud Edition, as a test tool, requires connectivity to systems under test to perform test execution and result validation. A basic concept related to connectivity to external system is called Environments, that maps logically the systems under test and the means to connect to them.
Each Environment represents an entity in the IT system landscape. Because the Environment specifies both the systems under tests and the connectivity details, the list of the Environments definitions will grow matching the complexity of the IT landscape of systems under test.
Consider a scenario where various authorization testing is needed. In this scenario, the API Management testing must be done on regression system with both Basic and OAuth authentication. Because Environments map to a specific connectivity settings, for such scenario, two Environments need to be configured for executing the test cases.
REG_OA for OAuth authentication testing
REG_BA for Basic authentication testing
Technical linkage between the systems and the Int4 Suite Environments
SAP BTP solution provides dedicated means for defining and using connections to external systems. Int4 Suite, as a BTP application, builds on top of this, allowing for standardized definition of system connections and re-usability of connections for different purposes.
Two configuration objects are created for this purpose behind the scenes by the tool.
Connected System - defining the connection to external system
Communication Arrangement - linkage between the connected system and Int4 Suite Environment
Please use the links above to check details on these objects directly in the SAP Help