As a owner of the queue set #rdp/<rdp_name>. Use REST Delivery Point created in https://int4support.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IUM/pages/2480504833/Int4+Suite+Solace+PubSub+preparation#5.-Create-Rest-Delivery-Point
2. Create Queue Binding
Go back to the Rest Delivery Point (Clients->REST->created RDP) and create Queue Binding using name of technical queue created in previous step.
As a Post Request Target put API Base Path from Integration Suite API exposed in step https://int4support.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IUM/pages/2480504833/Int4+Suite+Solace+PubSub+preparation#4.-Expose-service-%2Fsap%2Fbc%2Fint4%2Fiftt%2Faem-in-Integration-Suite
3. Create Request Headers
For created Queue Binding create Request Headers:
Header name: aem-topic
Header value: ${topic()}