(3.10) Testing Scenarios

(3.10) Testing Scenarios


Testing scenarios help to organize test cases by arranging them into groups. They can reflect particular systems or whole business processes.
Test cases can be created only within scenarios.  



  1. Create a new testing node scenario.

  2. Manage existing scenario nodes.

  3. Delete unnecessary scenario nodes.

  4. Multi-selection of scenarios

  5. Rearranging scenario nodes

Open Int4 IFTT Test Cockpit in change mode.

To create a new Testing Scenario, you have to set IFTT into Change Mode 

Only in Change Mode buttons for managing nodes will become active:

Create a new testing node scenario. 

To create a new testing node scenario, click the Insert Node button:

You can select the following options: 

  • Insert as new node → Node will be added as a child node to the existing node. Please notice that this option works only if any existing node was previously selected.

  • Insert as new Main node → Node will be added in the main level.

While inserting a new node, you have to provide its description. Optionally, you can specify up to five custom attributes.

Parent node ID and Parent node description fields are automatically imported from the Int4 IFTT Test Cockpit. Therefore, if you insert a new node as a child node - fields will have proper descriptions..

When you create a new main node - N/A will be displayed. After a newly created node is saved, it becomes visible in the Scenario Selection screen.

Now, new test cases can be added to the selected node.

Manage existing scenario nodes.

To edit the existing node select a single node and click the Edit Node icon:

The following screen appears:

After saving changes, they will be visible in the Int4 IFTT Test Cockpit Screen:

As you might have noticed, the changed node contains nodes ID. This information will disappear after a screen refresh.

Delete scenario nodes.

To delete the note, you should use the Delete Node icon.

Scenario Deletion

Single Node can be deleted only if:

  • It does not contain any child nodes

  • It does not contain any test cases

All child nodes and test cases need to be deleted before node deletion.

Multiple Selection of Scenarios

To select more than one scenario node, you need to open the Int4 IFTT Test Cockpit in Display Mode.

In the Display Mode button, Enable multiselection button is activated.

Once you click on Enable multiselectiontwo additional buttons will appear on the right-hand side: Select All and Deselect All. In addition, the button Enable multiselection will change to the button: Disable multiselection.

Next to each selection node, checkboxes will appear, allowing multiple nodes selection. By selecting all nodes, you can display test cases for all created scenarios.


Rearranging scenario nodes

You can rearrange scenario nodes into a different structure. It is possible to move a node into a new position using a drag & drop functionality. This feature is enabled in the Change Mode of the cockpit. After moving the node to a new position, you have to decide if it should be created as a child or sibling.


Moving Reporting node to Sweden:

Insert as a child:

Insert as a sibling:

Moving Reporting node to Sweden:

Insert as a child:

Insert as a sibling:


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