Int4 Suite Implementation Guide
Int4 Suite set of components provide a comprehensive solution for the integration testing challenges for all types of business that run on SAP set of solutions. Depending on where the customer company is in their testing automation roadmap, implementation of test automation will be a different journey.
To be successful with Int4 Suite implementation ensure the following
Define the team that will use the tool and allocate ample time for their learning and operations
Define the initial purpose of automation testing introduction
Define the initial scope of scenarios for integration test automation
In a common case, a migration related project will cover the above points. For example SAP PI/PO to SAP IS (CPI) migration will already have its purpose, scope and team to start with.
Technical implementation of Int4 Suite takes the following steps
Acquire Int4 Suite solution
You can try out the Int4 Suite Trial that provides a full set of features for a limited time period:
Consider opting in for a limited time offer for Int4 Shield Lite, dedicated to SAP PI/PO to SAP IS (CPI) migration:
Contact our sales for other options:
Contact with us to receive the product installation package
Choose the deployment options based on the instructions in the installation package and select a modern, supported SAP ABAP server in current landscape for Int4 Suite Installation. Read more about the deployment options here: Int4 Suite installation options
Int4 Suite does not require additional hardware investments! Install the add-on on any of Your existing, supported SAP ABAP systems
Follow the steps from the Int4 Suite Installation and Initial Customizing Summary to complete the installation
Read more on the APITester component to understand the product structure and implementation logic: Int4 APITester
Familiarize with the testing options, by looking at Testing scenarios and flows
See the Automation Objects manual section for understanding the test definition logic, and dive deeper into various technologies, to choose the right test types for Your purpose
Start the Int4 APITester Cockpit and create first test cases!
Regardless of the licencing option chosen, You can always count on our dedication and support to make Your implementation of automated integration testing with Int4 Suite successful!
Reach out to us at or use our Support Portal to ask for help.
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