(v1) Configuring Int4 Suite Environments

(v1) Configuring Int4 Suite Environments

To configure Int4 Suite Environment, proceed to Fiori Launchpad and locate Int4 Suite Custom Business Configuration tile in the Configuration section.

Please note, that this requires Int4 Administrator type of access to the tenant.

Custom Business Configuration Tile

Next, choose the Maintain Environment option.

Custom Business Configuration initial screen.

List of configured Enviroments appear. Please note the list will be initially empty!

image-20240412-114803.png From this screen, further maintenance is possible, by switching to Edit mode using the button. Once in edit mode, standard maintenance operations, like addition, deletion and modification are available using the familiar Fiori interface.

Environment parameters

List of Environment parameters with their meaning.






Technical ID used to refer to the environment.

Usually short names and abbreviations like “DEV”, “PROD”, “QA” are OK


Human-readable description of the Environment definition

PI/PO inst.

Mark, if this environment has a SAP PI or SAP PO integration platform

CPI inst.

Mark, if this environment has a connection to SAP IS (former SAP CPI)

API Management

Mark, if this environment has a API Management solution

Boomi inst.

Mark, if this environment has a Boomi integration platform


Marks a production environment, which introduces additional data security measures and prevents test execution on this Environment

Obsolete Environment

Marks an environment which is needed for historical / audit reasons, but is not in active use as a test platform or a data source