Storing the message payloads is a prerequisite in order to create test cases, re-run them and then validate the execution. Our solution requires the message payloads to be send sent to Int4 IFTT WebService, together with the additional interface details.
In most cases, our customers incorporate the call of Int4 IFTT WebService in current dedicated flows for logging and monitoring.
Another important aspect is that you should be able to choose when the payloads are saved in Int4 IFTT, for . For that purpose, depending on the middleware, a proper trace indicator should be available to set the persistence on and off.
In Int4 IFTT, the message payload payloads are stored in a database table with all the additional interface details.
The integration platform provides the following interface details are mandatory for to Int4 IFTT in order to create and run test cases.
Additional interface Interface details:
Process/Interface Name
Interface namespace (optional)
Landscape (e.g., DEV, TST, PRD, etc.)
Message ID - unique for every processed message
Execution ID - unique for every process execution and common for all the related messages of each execution
Correlation ID - common for every message of a single test case execution (optional)
System ID (e.g., Boomi, Mulesoft, Webmethods, etc.)
Message Payload
If you want to find out more at about the Dell Boomi specific case, we prepared a Dell Boomi detailed solution template.