Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Parameter name



Threshold for searching outbound messages (sec)

If the parameter is not filled, Int4 Suite searches for outbound messages starting from time equal to the beginning of the test run. This parameter extends the range by the values provided in seconds and separated with “,”. E.g., if the test run was started at 07:34:00 and the parameter value is set to “10,15”, it will search for messages from 07:33:50 to 07:34:15.


Flat File Line Separator

The character used for end-of-line determination in Flat File messages: for example, CLRF - Unix. The parameter is used to display the comparison report better and display the reference and new message line by line.

"Carriage Return and New line" character should be stored as CRLF

"Line Feed" should be stored as LF (Unix based files)

There is no default value, so the parameter is obligatory for CSV files

Use || to enter multiple alternative separators e.g. CLRF||'


File encoding

Code page of the file.

The parameter is used to provide code page information to expression handlers and parses in case code page cannot be determined e.g. from metadata or file header.

SAP Code page number is expected as a value. Possible values can are available in the table TCP00.


(1100 corresponds to ISO 8859-1)

Show XML in the original order (unsorted)

This flag determines if the lines of the file in the XML Comparison Report should be displayed in the original order or should be sorted alphabetically for a specific nodes.

Checked or 'X' - payload will not be sorted on the report

Unchecked or '' - payload will be sorted alphabetically (default value)

Execute XSLT on input payload (req. TC number with XSLT)

Run XSLT Transformation on input payload before any other execution steps. Test Case number of type XSLT Transformation is expected as an input.


Execute XSLT on input payload after variable replacement

Run XSLT Transformation on input payload after variables are replaced with new values. Test Case number of type XSLT Transformation is expected as an input.


Execute XSLT on ref. output payload(req. TC numb. with XSLT)

Run XSLT Transformation on output reference message (output stored in Test Case as reference). Test Case number of type XSLT Transformation is expected as an input.


Execute XSLT on cur. output payload(req. TC numb. with XSLT)

Run XSLT Transformation on current output message (output generated during Test Case execution). Test Case number of type XSLT Transformation is expected as an input.


Flag for Flat File interfaces

Used to mark interface input as Flat File


Flat Files Compare with payload validations applied

If this checkbox is checked, Payload Validation rules are applied before files comparison and the match content is replaced by the placeholders. This can in some cases result in better flat file comparison results, especially in case of many missing lines.


Parameter name




Free text for the exception rule


Expression Type

Expression type. Available options:

  • unspecified

  • XPath

  • Flat expression

This field is optional for all interfaces where there is a single type of output. However, for interfaces that output might be both XML and flat file, it is mandatory to specify the expression type.



Path pointing to the field/node where the exception should be applied.

//ORDER/DATE/text()  (XPATH expression) or

START_TAG(BGM+220+)&&END_TAG(+)&& (Flat file expression) or

$ (JSONPath expression)

REGEX(BGM\+220\+(.*)\+) (REGEX expression)


Rule to be applied to the field.


  • Warning

Marks the compared fields with yellow color as a "warning".


  • Warning when different based on variable replacement

In case compared values are different Int4 Suite compares them with specified variable. If reference/current value pair from comparison matches variable values result is marked as "warning".

Variable name used for checking the values has to be specified in the Processing Parameter column.


  • Warning when different based on value mapping object

In case compared values are different Int4 Suite compares them with specified values in the Mapping Object. If reference/current value pair from comparison matches mapping values result is marked as "warning".

Mapping Object name used for checking the values has to be specified in the Processing Parameter column.


  • Ignore

Even if it is different in the content, it is not highlighted.


  • Change Request

The difference will be highlighted green in the test report.


These rules are active only when Test Case is run within Test Run type: Change Request Test



Used in correlation with Warning Rules.

