To test PI processing for a scenario using an SAP B2B Splitter, we need to connect two types of IFTT test cases (type PI GUID E2E Inbound and PI E2E Outbound). We cannot use the standard PI Unit Test type because the scenario consists of two separate ICOs (described below in parts A and B).
The first ICO receives a collective message from the EDI partner and sends it to the EDISeparator adapter. In this case, the validation in Int4 IFTT would only show the incoming message being forwarded. The second ICO, on the other hand, receives the collective message also via the EDISeparator channel. However, the message is split and filtered by type to single messages, e.g., EDI sales order. This message is already mapped to the final SAP form, e.g., IDOC.
Testing the rest of the flow is described in the Outbound Flat File scenario with 'PI Outbound' interface testing.
Part A. PI Inbound Testing