Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Parameter name



Test Case Creation

CPI: Block in iFlow to get output payload

ID of the block in iFlow that can be used to get payload after processing from iFlow trace.


CPI: Attachment Name to get output payload

Attachment Name from which output payload can be fetched

SAP IS Working with MPL Attachments


CPI: Store ID used to persist message

The name of the store used to persistence the payload.

Recommended approach is to use Block IDs instead of Store


Child Test Case Automation Object

Automation Object(s) used to link and create child test cases. This parameter allows for automatic creation of linked outbound test cases during save.

Following Automation Object types can be used as child:

5 PI E2E Outbound
7 IDoc Outbound
13 SAP CPI E2E Outbound

CPI: Read CPI Headers

Tells the Int4 Suite to read additional technical CPI headers for the request.

Default value is ' ' (false).


Test Case Execution

Trigger the output from message control (NAST)

How to trigger Output Control within Outbound test cases?

CPI: Search using parent application ID

Search outbound message using parent application ID - parent needs to be a CPI Inbound test case that is connected via ProcessDirect or JMS with iFlow under CPI Outbound test

CPI: Search using parent correlation ID

Search outbound message using parent correlation ID

Show XML in the original order (unsorted)

This flag determines if the lines of the file in the XML Comparison Report should be displayed in the original order or should be sorted alphabetically for a specific nodes.

Checked or 'X' - payload will not be sorted on the report

Unchecked or '' - payload will be sorted alphabetically (default value)

Flat Files Compare with payload validations applied

If this checkbox is checked, Payload Validation rules are applied before files comparison and the match content is replaced by the placeholders. This can in some cases result in better flat file comparison results, especially in case of many missing lines.

Flat File Line Separator

The character used for end-of-line determination in Flat File messages: for example, CLRF - Unix. The parameter is used to display the comparison report better and display the reference and new message line by line.

"Carriage Return and New line" character should be stored as CRLF

"Line Feed" should be stored as LF (Unix based files)

Separator can be also specified using hexadecimal representation of Numeric Character Reference (NCR).

There is no default value, so the parameter is obligatory for CSV files

Use || to enter multiple alternative separators e.g. CLRF||'



NCR Example:

Line Separator Escape Character

Escape character for line separator. Used to avoid line breaks in case separator is used in the file content.
Value of this parameter should be aligned with specific format used by tested interface.
Example: If line separator is set to ' and escape character is ? following split is applied:



CPI: Externalized Parameter

Int4 Suite can change value of the externalized parameter before triggering a test case and revert the change back after test case execution. For example you can change your regular PROCESSSDIRECT outbound connection to dummy one and prevent sending message to the receiver.

Many parameter can be provided for single automation object in form of <ParameterName>=<ParamterValue>


Changing externalized parameter requires deployment of the iflow so the execution time is longer comparing to regular execution

