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Parameter name



PI: Message Search - Interface Name

Used to specify the Interface Name within which the Message Selector should search for the version of the message. This parameter is only to be entered if Interface Name visible in the Message Monitor main screen differs from the Interface Name used to create the object definition. 

If we only have receiver interfaces visible in the message monitor, then use the receiver name specified in the ICO of the sender interface specified in the automation object used.

PI: Message Search - Namespace

Used to specify the Interface Namespace within which the Message Selector should search for the version of the message. This parameter is only to be entered if Interface Namespace visible in the Message Monitor main screen differs from the Interface Namespace we have used to create the object definition.

The same condition as the previous parameter but then for the namespace of the receiver interface

XSLT Transformations

XSLT Transformation can be applied on both Input and Output payloads and it is stored in a reference test case of type XSLT Transformation. To call XSLT Transformation during Test Case execution, Test Case number that is of type XSLT Transformation needs to be provided as an input to one of the below parameters.

Parameter name


Execute XSLT on input payload

Run XSLT Transformation on input payload before any other execution steps

Execute XSLT on input payload after variable replacement

Run XSLT Transformation on input payload after variables are replaced with new values

Execute XSLT on ref. output payload

Run XSLT Transformation on output reference message (output stored in Test Case as reference)

Execute XSLT on cur. output payload

Run XSLT Transformation on current output message (output generated during Test Case execution)

Example usage of XSLT transformations can be found here