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Test Case element


Automation Object reference

Automation Object contains general setting regarding test case execution, data processing (using Variables) and test case validation.

Test Type reference

Test Case is always defined with a type. It defines the test case execution technology and logic (e.g. Inbound or Outbound, webMethods or SAP IS)

Reference document number

At the time of test case creation, it is possible to specify the reference document name or execution object. For integration platforms test, this usually maps to an unique ID of the document used for test case creation. For UI testing types, this will refer to the identificator of the UI script to be executed. For details about the actual application of this field, please refer to the specific Automation Object test type definition in this manual.

Test Payloads

This is the actual testing data to be used for test execution and validation.


For Integration Platform Inbound test types, Int4 Suite will capture at least two Payloads.

  1. The Payload that enters the integration platform

  2. The Payload that integration platform generated as the output of the processing. Due to complexity of some interfaces, integration platform can generate multiple outputs from a single input. In such a scenario multiple outputs will be captured

For Outbound test types and some Inbound test types (e.g. IDoc processing) Int4 Suite captures only one Payload.


Execution step


Data pre-processing

Test case Payload is loaded, and processed according to Variable definition in the relevant Automation Object. All relevant Variables are updated.

Inbound message send

Test case data is sent to the integration platform interface, depending on test type and Automation Object interface specification

Outbound message capture

Int4 Suite is pooling polling integration platform to find the relevant results of message processing

Outbound message validation

Int4 Suite validates the captured outbound message, by comparison with the test case payload data. Payload validation ignore rules are checked.

Variable processing

According to definition in the Automation Object, Variable processing is applied to capture data from the outbound message

Database Validation

If the Database Validation data was defined in the Automation Object, Int4 APITester will proceed with Database Validation steps. Also, Variable references will be updated, to capture data read from the Database


Execution step


Data pre-processing

All relevant Variables are updated.

Outbound message capture

Int4 Suite is pooling polling integration platform to find the relevant results of message processing. This requires a “Find” definition for Variable processing

Outbound message validation

Int4 Suite validates the captured outbound message, by comparison with the test case payload data. Payload validation ignore rules are checked.

Variable processing

According to definition in the Automation Object, Variable processing is applied to capture data from the outbound message

Database Validation

If the Database Validation data was defined in the Automation Object, Int4 APITester will proceed with Database Validation steps. Also, Variable references will be updated, to capture data read from the Database
