The Object Definition contains parameters, e.g., the name of the tested service interface and its namespace, allowing IFTT to locate the XML message on the middleware platform to store it inside the IFTT repository for further comparison. Below is presented how to create a new object definition for PI inbound interface, PI outbound interface, synchronous interfaceIDOC inbound/outbound interfaces, and AIF interfaces

In the General Settings section, you will find how to use already existing object configuration for a newly created object or configure IFTT to test data on remote ERP systems. 


  1. Enter object definition ID and description
  2. Enter PI/PO service interface name and namespace

    You can copy them from the ICO of the configured interface: 

  3.  Define an unlimited number of variables and add a meaningful description for each of them.

  4. For each of the variables, define actions and define the processing that will be performed. For each action, select one of the variable processors and provide the processing parameter: This way, variables can be used e.g.


    1. Enter object definition ID and description
    2. Provide IDOC interface details in the Name field.
      The name of the IDOC interface is a combination of IDOC message type, basic type, and an extension separated by a dot ( ".")
      1. In order to provide the correct information open relevant segments of the IDOC:

        • for message type: /IDOC/EDI_DC40/MESTYP
        • for basic type:       /IDOC/EDI_DC40/IDOCTYP
        • for extension:        /IDOC/EDI_DC40/IDOCTYP

      2. The name of the interface is the combination of full Namespace and six first letters of Interface Name separated by a dot: ( ". ).

        For the IDOC with Basic Type ORDERS05, message type: ORDERS and no extension, the interface name will be ORDERS.ORDERS05

    3.  Define an unlimited number of variables and add a meaningful description for each of them.

    4. For each of the variables, define actions and define the processing that will be performed. For each action, select one of the variable processors and provide the processing parameter: This way, variables can be used e.g..

      • to identify documents to be compared,
      • for creating new values from a number range for newly created messages,
      • for passing values to variables in the following test cases. 



The Object Definition contains parameters, such as the generated name of the tested AIF interface allowing IFTT to locate the XML message in the AIF persistence on ECC. Thanks to this, it is possible to store AIF XML messages inside the IFTT repository for further comparison.